Purge Squads... really? *8.1 Spoilers*

Don’t over think this. It’s a heavy handed way of pushing the Vulpera to the Horde as a player race. Expect an equally heavy handed event or series of events to push the Sethrak towards the Alliance.
Could be worse. There could be a ton of people that are absolute fanatics for the current dev team, even though they haven't put out a decent release and have made the game progressively worse since wod. That have nothing better to do than sit in the forums all day and spread brown-nosing and propaganda, trying to stifle legitimate criticism even though they could be doing something far more constructive with their time.

Imagine that.

That kind of addiction is the real deal.

Fixed it for you!
10/24/2018 03:13 AMPosted by Cognyack
10/24/2018 02:59 AMPosted by Landusk
If we have to suffer the burning of the tree

As bad as that was, it was at least a military strike against an actual Alliance member nation/legitimate target.

Vulpera are Aborigines, in Azeroth Australia where the Zandalari sends their criminals, who are currently friendly with the PC and some Zandalari nationalists who rescued them from evil snake people.

Instead of attacking Horde bases on Kalimdor or Broken Isles or Northrend, the Alliance is going to mass slaughter a tiny population of cute cuddly and plucky fox people who offer nothing of value to the Horde, just cuz.
I would say "it be !@# to force ppl go back to broken isle or Northreand for a phase out part of quest" (Case I bet that be $%^ to program doing) but who know I not Code monkey So they just sticking with vol'dune case.....welll "it current content" A.T.M.
10/24/2018 03:13 AMPosted by Cognyack
As bad as that was, it was at least a military strike against an actual Alliance member nation/legitimate target.

Was it? There was no military in the tree. It was all civilians. There was no strategic advantage to having it either, as it wasn't a good position for a port. It was genocide.

Instead of attacking Horde bases on Kalimdor or Broken Isles or Northrend, the Alliance is going to mass slaughter a tiny population of cute cuddly and plucky fox people who offer nothing of value to the Horde, just cuz.

Heavy handed writing to coerce another race to join the Horde. It's the same thing they did with nearly every single race on the Horde.
I love the “startegic target” talk of Teldrassil.

Teldrassil is literally the least viable strategic target in Kalimdor, short of only the Exodar.

The city is in the middle of nowhere.

It’s port is small, has no harbors for warships, and has no natural defenses.

The city itself has no access to anything, short of two portals set up well outside the city (which is actually why it was never used).

It is not a valid military target. It’s too isolated, and doesn’t serve anything well. It’s only redeeming feature is that it’s easy to defend.

Or would be if it didn’t take twenty flaming barrels to eliminate the entire thing.
10/24/2018 03:46 AMPosted by Espur
Was it? There was no military in the tree.

Did I say "viable military target" or "strategic target"?

Nope, I said a military strike against an Alliance race.

10/24/2018 03:46 AMPosted by Espur
Heavy handed writing to coerce another race to join the Horde.

And thus completely stupid. Probably leading up to a Horde purging of the good snakes because of the bad snakes so Alliance can have snakes.

10/24/2018 03:42 AMPosted by Landusk
I would say "it be !@# to force ppl go back to broken isle or Northreand for a phase out part of quest"

Literally already happened in game with 5.3 Battlefield Barrens and 7.0 Legion prepatch invasions. Just plop some new hostile NPC's down and let players go to town.
10/24/2018 03:42 AMPosted by Landusk
10/24/2018 03:13 AMPosted by Cognyack

As bad as that was, it was at least a military strike against an actual Alliance member nation/legitimate target.

Vulpera are Aborigines, in Azeroth Australia where the Zandalari sends their criminals, who are currently friendly with the PC and some Zandalari nationalists who rescued them from evil snake people.

Instead of attacking Horde bases on Kalimdor or Broken Isles or Northrend, the Alliance is going to mass slaughter a tiny population of cute cuddly and plucky fox people who offer nothing of value to the Horde, just cuz.
I would say "it be !@# to force ppl go back to broken isle or Northreand for a phase out part of quest" (Case I bet that be $%^ to program doing) but who know I not Code monkey So they just sticking with vol'dune case.....welll "it current content" A.T.M.

Can someone parse that into English?
10/23/2018 01:07 PMPosted by Starlagosa
Getting your panties in a bunch when we still dont' know the finished questline?

When Blizzard has already evidenced an inability to write convincing plots I think people are justified in assuming this will be more of the same.

I would love to be pleasantly surprised, but then again, I would have loved to hit the jackpot last night, too.

Blizzard's track record recently lends more credence to those who are upset than to those who say "wait and see."
10/23/2018 11:09 PMPosted by Tabaqui
10/23/2018 10:45 PMPosted by Wanobi


You know what's worse?

Calling the genocide of the Night Elves "morally grey" now.

I agree. This whole thing is ridiculous.

It was absolute BS that we had to participate in that, or that anyone aside from the Forsaken WOULD participate in it. Especially after Legion.

What I'm complaining about is Blizzard setting up direct bad guys from the Alliance side and then rewriting them as "good after all!" years later.

Are people still on the "it's genocide!" shtick? That was the hot Alliance meme in the pre-patch.

Teldrassil was a enemy capital under siege. Stuff happens in war.
10/23/2018 11:16 PMPosted by Lilywhite
I hope it turns out all this exacerbated / amplified emotions and aggression are the direct result of Azerite: like a catalyst as explained in before the storm.

So essentially the blue Tesseract from Avengers 1?

Also, and I'd like to reiterate this point (Stolen from others), I'm (supposedly), the leader of the Paladins.

ALL Paladins.

So when you talk about "Purge squads", on behalf of ALL Paladins, we're going to one, respectfully decline, and two, decide if we need to set up shop in Vulpera to stop you.

Sending out Purge squads against a race you suspect is going Horde, is a surefire to guarantee they DO go Horde.

I'm Lawful Good, not Lawful Stupid.
EDIT: The attack on Teldrassil is reminiscent of the firebombing of Dresden during WWII. With the exception that we were already in a declared war with Germany at the time.

Vonnegut talks about this event in his book [I] Slaughterhouse 5
10/24/2018 03:42 AMPosted by Landusk
I would say "it be !@# to force ppl go back to broken isle or Northreand for a phase out part of quest"

Literally already happened in game with 5.3 Battlefield Barrens and 7.0 Legion prepatch invasions. Just plop some new hostile NPC's down and let players go to town.[/quote] They would if they could but..... Your not paying them are you to do that...

(Forgive me I not use to forum here Cognyack )

no that be the big shots and devs would done that by now but Well.... if you not calling the shots to do it, Mostly you just talking to a wall at this point to ask them to do this Sure idea is there, But Dose not mean dev fish will not bite them Mostly ignore and bait be lost away in abyss of comments

Mostly I Just say is this "If you have that idea, they would done it by now" but it matter by will....effort....Money.
I am fine with every about this event, expect calling them purge squads. If it was just the Alliance conducting attacks upon Horde supply lines, great those are always viable military targets. But calling them purge squads just makes me think of world war II and the actions taken there. I am hoping it is just a horrible place holder name that will be corrected before this ever goes live.
New, relevant information, straight from the Story forum: https://i.imgur.com/uGfWo9F.jpg

Good news. The Alliance DON'T attack the Vulpera. The Alliance just scare them with a scary stick.

The purge squads are the work of their evil twin, the Zlliance, who exist only and solely in the Horde-side storyline.
10/24/2018 05:16 AMPosted by Caelin
I am fine with every about this event, expect calling them purge squads. If it was just the Alliance conducting attacks upon Horde supply lines, great those are always viable military targets. But calling them purge squads just makes me think of world war II and the actions taken there. I am hoping it is just a horrible place holder name that will be corrected before this ever goes live.
Pretty much

I think it is (I hope) Unless well I few theory Like well with whole "Night warrior" I think mostly thoses that huge hatred to horde just want to kill them all I mean If this alliance moratly grey I like to see greymane or Tyrande (Night warriored) calling shot to see how far alliance will go

But eh I Just thinking how far alliance will go to win this war.
10/24/2018 05:21 AMPosted by Landusk
10/24/2018 05:16 AMPosted by Caelin
I am fine with every about this event, expect calling them purge squads. If it was just the Alliance conducting attacks upon Horde supply lines, great those are always viable military targets. But calling them purge squads just makes me think of world war II and the actions taken there. I am hoping it is just a horrible place holder name that will be corrected before this ever goes live.
Pretty much

I think it is (I hope) Unless well I few theory Like well with whole "Night warrior" I think mostly thoses that huge hatred to horde just want to kill them all I mean If this alliance moratly grey I like to see greymane or Tyrande (Night warriored) calling shot to see how far alliance will go

But eh I Just thinking how far alliance will go to win this war.

The Alliance will go as far as using a Scary Stick to scare the Vulpera, while being very, very careful not to hurt them.

But then, suddenly, from the Horde side, the scary stick looks like purge squads killing them all.
I miss King Varian :(

10/24/2018 05:24 AMPosted by Sylassanna
10/24/2018 05:21 AMPosted by Landusk
... Pretty much

I think it is (I hope) Unless well I few theory Like well with whole "Night warrior" I think mostly thoses that huge hatred to horde just want to kill them all I mean If this alliance moratly grey I like to see greymane or Tyrande (Night warriored) calling shot to see how far alliance will go

But eh I Just thinking how far alliance will go to win this war.

The Alliance will go as far as using a Scary Stick to scare the Vulpera, while being very, very careful not to hurt them.

But then, suddenly, from the Horde side, the scary stick looks like purge squads killing them all.
What stick there no stick never been stick there stick in mud but there never been stick unless...is you weapon a stick it must been a stick.
10/23/2018 11:22 AMPosted by Snowfox
Is there some context to this?

I mean, I only act like I know it all.. I have to read and learn new things too.

I don't think any context is going to justify burning small cute fox people alive. They helped the horde once, and now the Alliance wants them to pay for it.
10/24/2018 04:40 AMPosted by Kataris
10/23/2018 01:07 PMPosted by Starlagosa
Getting your panties in a bunch when we still dont' know the finished questline?

When Blizzard has already evidenced an inability to write convincing plots I think people are justified in assuming this will be more of the same.

I would love to be pleasantly surprised, but then again, I would have loved to hit the jackpot last night, too.

Blizzard's track record recently lends more credence to those who are upset than to those who say "wait and see."

No one is justified in getting all worked up over what's unproven.

Go crazy when we know what the facts are.