Purchased 8 character server transfer and can't use it

I’m dealing with the exact same thing. I bought the tokens and I can see them in my character selection screen, but when I try to transfer it says the order couldn’t be completed.

Hi Kalviery. Thank you for the update. Any chance Blizzard can do this manually or do we have to hold? Took off work for the content patch, but unable to play on preferred server. Thank you.

I believe the issue is duplicated when GMs attempt to use the service as well.

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Which is a critical step in resolving the issue. So, progress.


Thanks for the update. Glad it’s being looked into!

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My transfers appeared after a bit (PayPal), they just don’t actually seem to work for what I want to do. Transferring one character from Frostmourne (OC) to Sargeras (US) worked fine, but trying to send the other two characters to the same realm on a second account fails. There’s no error, it just sits there for 10 seconds or so then refreshes the character list with no changes.

I am having the same issue. I bought the 8 Transfer bundle with paypal but I am not seeing it reflected on my account at all.

Mine also says complete but it will not let me transfer my characters :’(

I am having the same issue. I can see the token but it won’t let me transfer to an rp realm.

Can we get some resolution on this? I’ve opened 3 tickets so far, that keep getting closed out telling me to wait longer; first an hour, then 4 hours, now 24 hours, and none of it has worked. I’ve confirmed both through my battle.net account, bank account, and GM confirmation that payment has successfully been processed. A blue response would go a long, long way here.

It takes time for bugs to be resolved. This issue doesn’t just affect you, it affects many others, and the devs are working on it. It could take a few days, or even longer, so have patience.


Again, if a GM actually acknowledged this was a bug and they were working on it, that would be fantastic; my issue is that nobody is actually even saying there is a problem, which is what is frustrating; instead I’ve been told it’s a payment issue, which doesn’t appear to be the case at all.


Those are just the easiest grabbed for the tabs I have open at the moment. Our SFAs have been very active and trying to keep folks updated. There are bugs. They are aware of them. They are working on them. There are umpteen threads here and the Bug Report forum with people reporting on them.

When there is an update or hotfix, they are very good about reporting that information back when it’s something so widespread like this.


I’m not sure exactly how this is relevant:

  • link 1 looks like it was user error; individual found the tokens after
  • link 2 was an individual who had the tokens available, but transfers wouldn’t physically allow
  • link 3 was for an acknowledged bug transferring on RP servers (again, not my issue).

Honestly, I think I’m more perturbed by the repeated claim it was being held up by payment. Even if that was the case, which I can confirm it wasn’t, you don’t go to Target or Walmart, slide your credit card, and get told to come back in 24-48 hours to see if you are allowed to leave with your goods; if anything, digital carries far less monetary risk (even if a card posted an initial approval and later declined, at most you’re out a service that cost them nothing versus goods with a physical cost associated).

Anyhow, I do apologize for coming off as frustrated or impatient!

There are several different bugs flying around that pertain to the new bulk transfers. I’m not going to go into every single thread there is right now to find things beyond what I linked for you when you can just as easily do it yourself.

My point in that smattering of posts is that you see Blue posts are in nearly every thread popping up.

With Bugs, there are no ETAs given. They are aware there are issues. The information you are wanting? They honestly do not have yet, else they would have updated folks. And too, our SFAs are not GMs. They are more like an info desk. They don’t have a hand in fixing these issues. Neither do GMs when it comes to bugs. That is solely in the Dev wheelhouse and we as players cannot speak directly to Devs save for posting to the Bug Report Forum.

If they’re closing and resolving tickets like you’re saying, it is likely that your issue has been escalated to a higher tier. It’s being marked as resolved because the GM on the initial tier has passed it up, so their part in that ticket is done. They close out that ticket. To keep opening tickets isn’t doing anything but adding to the pile up they’re still working on.

If nothing else, you can try and request a refund rather than have your money tied up, and try again after this mess has been cleared up and the initial rush has passed.


Or you can continue to wait until this gets resolved.


Adding mine to the list! Just attempted to transfer one character from WrA to MG and received the error message.

If you have a chance, please let us know when it’s resolved. :slight_smile:

He will but not till morning if there is one.

+1, Trying to transfer to MG.

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(post deleted by author)

Bought the 3 piece transfer, trying to follow my guild transfer to MG, same problem