Punish M+ Leavers

“Slow fill, getting good people” is like the biggest red flag for anything other than push keys. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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I’ve left a good number of keys out of sheer frustration from the feeling of “Not this again.” You’re already putting so much on the table. The least players could do is learn the mechanics and not expect the tank/healer to carry them.

Unfortunately, when you give tanks and healers all the tools in the world, players don’t have to learn because your non-DPS do all the learning for you. Strange isn’t it? We have Incorporeal this week and those bad boys get CC’d immediately from every direction. How is it a rando DPS can know to deal with a mechanic but they can’t prioritize interrupting a 2 stack bolstered volley (Or slowly DPSing packs down)?

Guess that’s how it is when you have to do a mechanic.

doesnt matter how “bad” or “wrong” the group is doing if the key is still 2-3 star-able.
if someone leaves because of that, then it has nothing to do with the rest of the group. its the leavers fault alone for the failed key. shoot, you can have dps die and “DC” and still 2 star keys. only the Tank and Heals are required to stay to the end to complete a key (with very few exceptions… stack mechanics.)

so if one leaves a key that is still able to be timed. it is their fault. this is the role you signed up for, staying is one of the tasks.

now, granted, there is a few dungeons in this pool of rotations that are very mechanic centric. if the group cant get those down, after 2 attempts, there is no reason to expect the key to be done within a reasonable time even if 90% of the timer is remaining.

there are also a few mechanics that can be ignored at “low” key levels because it doesnt create enough of a problem before the dps burn the boss down.

Bad players in keys isnt what is a problem. its a pug. expect everyone to be at different skill levels. use the ping system. its amazing how well it can herd cats.

people leaving keys for no good reason is the problem. there is 0 reason to do keys with these sorts of high flight risks. they are more of a liability that Nomi is to a making a salad.


Not exactly what i was talking about, running quick io checks, and seeing if someone paid for boosts or not is more the angle I was thinking. Not hard and takes seconds per person

I will always be against a punishment because no one can ever suggest a realistic way to punish/discourage people that wont also get innocent bystanders caught up in it also.


Honestly, some people don’t leave for good reasons, some of them seem to leave because of ego. The other week I was doing 6 Rise, a nice, low, easy key, on my paladin to work on her IO score.

We went from Time-Lost Battlefield over to Morchie. Healer almost got knocked off by exploding orbs, and I did get knocked off. So the healer came to rez me, while the rest of the group cleared the mobs before Morchie. As me and the healer get to the gateway to get to Morchie’s platform, the tank pulls, the healer was on their way to platform but still unable to join the fight, and I was unable to get over there because it put me in combat.

The tank dies, gets mad, seemingly confused why they wouldn’t want him to pull the boss seeming as the other 2 DPS were just standing there (IDK man, maybe because this is 5 person group, not 3). So then he leaves after saying we wasted his time. Which was funny to me, he wasted 12 minutes of his time because he couldn’t wait 1 minute to pull the boss.

Luckily the other paladin in the group had a one-hander and shield, left the dungeon and switched to prot. We were able to time the key in the end, albeit only by like 4 minutes, but oh well, we timed it.

First time I had a leaver this season, and there are times where I’ve seen people leave in previous seasons and honestly, I did not blame them for it. You can track who leaves keys all you want, but without context, it could get messy.


Hard pass, that sounds abysmal

I get it, it can be frustrating when someone leaves a key that is still timable but at the same time, its hard to come up with a solution on how to police leavers proper without affecting those who leave for justifiable reasons.

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That sucks. But also very cool that u were able to pull it together and time it

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Why is the current forum trend to argue that 1 player should be able to hold other players hostage and waste their time?


Then run your own key

I’m going to take a guess and imagine you haven’t looked at my profile and seen that all of my actual ranked keys are all with the same people. Find a set group to play with if you don’t want to run into the “problems” that pugging has.

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Why should 1 player be able to leave and ruin the run for everyone else, keyholder in particular

Force me to stay in a bad group, and I will make it much much much worse for everyone else.


Because they see the facade xiv has in its community and wants the same power to ban those than they deem “toxic”, even though if blizzard implemented what they want the system would be abused to hell and back.


Sounds like someone I wouldn’t want to group with and the whole point of my post lol

Nope. You are now forced to group with me. Thats your entire thing.

You want me to be forced to be in your group. You dont want me to be allowed to leave if the group is bad.

So, enjoy the constant wipes and huge repair bill.


Had something similar happen in shadowlands. Tank wouldnt let someone else do the mechanic that knocks people off the platform. and didnt use the shield at the right time even with all the explaining in the world. they leave. but as it was a low key i swapped from heals to tank and we finished it without a healer. simple mechanic fight. not really a healer needed.

perhaps the only reasonable “punishment” that can be done, with “context” is for everyone to track players who leave keys. no sharing this. just keep a personal note that they are a high risk. if it was just a rare thing, it wont really come up again. but if they do it to enough keys. lots of players will simply notice that character and choose not to take the risk.

reason such things be kept on a personal basis is to avoid mass targeting. no chance for some bot to affect a data base.

and of course, not all leavers are of the toxic sort. plenty of other good reason can come up and you’ll prob know if it was one of those sorts of things.

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Holding people hostage is not a good idea, especially if they are the one causing wipes and just wasting everyone’s time.

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I think this is a great idea, and something people definitely should do.

If anyone in a group rubs you in the wrong way, you have the ability to ensure you dont group with them again. It just takes personal responsibility.