Punish M+ Leavers

Yea they’re getting carried, why would they call it quits?

Try again


Then why did u join the group?

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How do you deal with people who “disconnect” because they want to quit without sanction?

sorry my guy, but if someone is performing that poorly, the keyholder doesn’t get to hold the entire group hostage.

again - the only problem here is that the keyholder’s key will downrank. I circle back to “maybe it shouldn’t”.


Cuz I wanted to do a key and expected the group to be able to do the key instead of having to hard carry someone, which isn’t my job


He was sleeping in it and rolled in his sleep. :upside_down_face:

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You can see their rating before the timer starts. You might try running your own key so you can invite whoever you want.

you can’t always, no.

Fair point

Like Monty Python said

“I go’ bettah!” after I got more glyphs for points in things…was super rough at first. Flies half a zone and sits there for a minute to rest Me: Dragon you are absolutely out of shape and need to strengthen those wing muscles! Me after glyphs: I CAN SHOW YOU THE WOOOOORRRRLLLLLLLD!!! Flies through every zone in 2 minutes super fast

then don’t group with them

:rofl: :rofl:

it DEF helps having all the glyphs. One other thing that helped me become a better dragonrider was doing the races and trying to gold them. it was super frustrating at first but once I did it a bunch and got the hang of it i could gold them much more easily.

I’m still the worst dragonrider in my raid… on Tindral I’m always the last to reach the platform and have unvigored myself more than once, it’s embarassing :slight_smile:

Sure, and they can still be horrible.players regardless of rating

Keep trying though

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I mean by the time you realize they’re hot garbage you’re already grouped with them and the key has started.

then you get in and see that DH with 0 interrupts while volleys are going off left/right…


Someone told me I could do races and get gold…I can’t see the flip flappin’ flapjack pancakes race flag icons on the map unless I’m RIGHT near the area and when I do the races I get NO GOLD! D:<

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong in that aspect.


To Azure Span and BEYOND! fails face first off Valdrakken platform “Summon please…”

I feel that pain…

Nah I’m good. Given you plenty of options. Ignore them at your own peril.

You really didn’t give any options lol, you just fought really hard to defend carries

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It happens, definitely not enough to justify punishing players or the community. What a great way to kill the game by finding more ways for players to essentially force other players into carrying then, dealing with their crap, or a plethora of other reasons to leave a key.

I’ve had people dip out of keys before, even after the first pull. Just last week our tank pulled a really stupid pull at the start of the dungeon and a DPS instantly rage quit. My key was tanked of course, but did I cry? No… we all said “RIP gg” and “GL”, we peaced out and everyone lived their lives. Mistakes happen, keys die, loot is lost.


For people doing high keys it’s probably something like 80-90% :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Yep, haven’t seen a single good proposition as to how leavers can be “fixed” without hurting people just playing normally. Most of the complaints are from people who constantly have leavers which makes one wonder.


The more picky you want to be the more effort you will have to undertake. The tools for screening are all there, are you willing to do the process is the real question. (mesa thinks nots)

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