Punish M+ Leavers

It’s not holding people hostage tho. They signed up for the key and accepted the invite

Signing up for a key does not come with any agreement to stay regardless of how bad the group is.


it kinda does. Its not in the TOS or anything, sure. It’s called a social contract.


No aspect of the “social contract” forbids me from leaving a bad group.

If you disagree, please cite the respective part you feel forbids me from leaving a bad group.


Yup! Thats the issue though, people want the game to do it for them instead, despite having a plethora of tools available to prescreen applicants for keys xD

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Sounds like the real world

Give them an icon of a broken key floating over their heads for an hour. It should also appear in the group finder.

The system should also keep track of how many broken key icons you’ve had on your character.

It will do nothing but shame them.


if a key is listed as “completion” that is the agreement that the key lister is asking for. (there is a toggle tag for this)
they already assume that there is a chance it will be over time, so expect them to be in a low gear and or learning state.

if its listed as normal, then sure, no agreement that everyone stays. :dracthyr_shrug:

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“Completion” just references the goal, not some obligation. For example, in the same drop down box is “Beat Timer”. If a person breaks the social contract because they do not adhere to the goal of “completion” (completing the dungeon), then it must mean also they break the social contract by not adhering to the goal of “Beat Timer”.

Cant wait to report people for bad dps!

Edit : But yes, I do agree that people joining a “completion” key run should temper expectations because the goal is just that…completion.

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Holding the hostage will help? Give me a break. Make friends. I can tell you this, a 13 isn’t hard to chest so just run it back. I’d rather quit the game than be held hostage in a key. It also sounds like this wasn’t the first thing that the tank did wrong. It’s an important role with a lot of responsibility. Yeah it’s an easy key but if you’re good you’re good. If not there are tons of information out there

People don’t leave good keys.

I don’t like how people can be absolutely awful and want to force people to carry them.


i wouldn’t say, “report them because they didnt do what i requested”

just saying, that is what you agreed to and should take it into consideration before applying and or leaving.

You’re reaching big time here

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I agree that if you joined a completion run your tolerance for mess ups, time, etc should be a bit different. I definitely suggest people using that tag if they feel that is their goal so that more people are more aware of what the group goals are.

But I was speaking within context of leaving a run breaking the social contract, so that is through the lens of how I was viewing the reply.

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i have been pleasantly surprised by many fewer leavers this season.

even if a dps drops, people crank out so much dps right now, that tank, heals and 2 dps does the trick just fine most of the time.

I still agree that there needs to be either: a) punishment for the leaver, and/or b) no penalty for the remainers.

I also think there needs to be a “restart” function or “do-over” ability with a key in some fashion.

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look at my original post. +13 WM on Raal with 24+ minutes left and someone left after our first wipe. Even typed in chat calling the tank bad before departing.

Do you think that person deserves to be sanctioned?

Ok and? Statement still stands. People don’t leave good keys

No. I don’t think anyone who leaves a mplus for any reason should be sanctioned.

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Well then ur just being childish and I’ll ignore ur replies

i like the idea of a debuff or marker of somesort. something that let’s groups know for some period of time (i could see anywhere from 1-24 hours).

no, you do not have to be “held hostage”, but the rest of the community deserves to know that you are likely to split at the first sign of bumps.

pugs are pugs, man. if you aren’t going to a somewhat patient mindset in a pug, then run with your friends.

Mhmm, I remember doing a Neltharus last season, can’t remember what level, but I was on my paladin and was high enough for the incorporeal affix. The keyholder was a shadow priest, and on Chargath (I think that’s the boss before the Forgemaster) both the shadow priest and the other DPS (some flavor of shaman) died. Our tank was one that could brez (so either pally, druid or DK) and rezzed the shaman, the priest complained because he was doing more DPS than the shaman, which yeah, I can understand that, but the shaman was also hexing the incorps, and that’s pretty important.

We continued on until we got the last boss and wiped, and I can’t remember what the priest said exactly, but he did say something and it was clear he wasn’t happy, and the healer left after that. While PUGs are doing keys for themselves, be it for gear, IO score, or hopefully both, it pays to not be rude to the people you need to complete the shared goal. Don’t even have to be nice, just have to not say anything. While it sucked that we had to disband at the end because of the healer leaving, I couldn’t be mad at the healer for it with the priest’s attitude.