Punish M+ Leavers

I like to run my own keys bc it gives me control over who comes. Unfortunately, there’s no way of telling how many keys someone has left before time ran out.

I just had someone leave on the 3rd boss of a dungeon after a dps accidentally pulled while we were clearing trash. We had 24+ minutes left which is plenty of time but someone in the group said in chat “Bad tank is bad” and left the group.

I’ll grant them that I hadn’t played perfectly but we were doing just fine for a +12 and on track to time the key, probably even 2 chest it.

I don’t like that people are allowed to just leave freely in the middle of a run that’s going well and deplete someone else’s key. It’s selfish and disrespectful to the keyholder who could have invited anyone else.


the fact that someone left a key means nothing in the absence of why they left.


Then you’ll have to run with a guild, friends, static group, Community or Discord groups.


How does one find these sorts of things?

I get tired of key pugging / applying or waiting to find good groups if I need lower keys for alts or higher keys for better gear.

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Why should someone have to search outside of the game for people to play with when there is a functioning group finder?


The challenge is that there’s leaving for valid reasons and leaving for invalid reasons.

I’d agree with punishing the latter, but there’s no way to really know WHY they left. If someone is being toxic to me, I’m gonna ask them to stop once, then leave.


When playing with random people in a system players built to remove all incentive to care about anyone except yourself, someone doing something you don’t like is a risk you accept.


WoW Made Easy is a good start!

Since when are guilds, game friends and Communities outside of the game? Only Discord is. And if you don’t want to deal with pugs, then those are your options.


I used to feel this way until i started playing a dps character. The amount pug tanks feel the need to spazz around. No. I aint staying for that.


So perhaps there ought to be some sort of commendation/report system in place that will track a player’s behavior in groups?

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Then invite people who won’t leave your keys. Make some friends, play with guildies, join a community. If you’re going to play with pugs then you have to deal with pugs.

I agree. Let me know how much avoidable damage a player gets before I group with them.

I’m not going to be held hostage in a group with bad players expecting a carry for free in content that is over their heads.


Sometimes it’s people who don’t care about anyone but themselves. Sometimes it’s unexpected deliveries, kids having a crisis, or a cat pulling down a Christmas tree.

It’s really not feasible to put any controls on it. The days where your reputation mattered ended years ago.


Sure, we can talk about the best way to implement that so it’s not abused. I think it’s a decent route to talk about.

If you’re going to reply with “that’s pugs” then please don’t bother.

We all accept that in pugs ppl may not employ optimum strats, they may not use their cooldowns optimally, they might not even interrupt. But that’s fine, u can still time the key

What we shouldn’t accept is people ending the run bc they aren’t happy about a wipe when there’s plenty of time left.




Attempts to wander off into the world of the internet “Here I cooooooooooooooooome!”


What do the following Counter Strike players have in common: one person with a burned house, one person who needs to meet a date, one person with a screaming baby, one person who wants to play something else?

Answer: all will be sanctioned for leaving the game.
The insistence on M+ being the sole competitive content/game that shouldn’t have extra QoL features to make it a better experience is such weird logic. There’s nothing special about M+, it deserves to have more robust design to punish leavers, allow surrenders, etc.

I get it, leaver meta etc. works, but it’s about time we innovate.


I just want to know why everyone is blaming those adorable cute dogs…they can’t help how their noses are shaped. :frowning:


I disagree. I don’t think anyone should be compelled to stay in a group for any reason. And, for the record, I say that as a person who doesn’t leave groups.

perhaps what needs to go is key downranking.

At the end of the day the reality people don’t like to consider is that m+ was designed for small organized groups. It was not designed for the pug experience. Can you pug it? sure, but your experience is going to be random and include leavers. The way to avoid leavers is to avoid pugging.

in other words: make some friends. add people to your bnet list. join a community. join a discord, etc.