Punish M+ Leavers

I think it pretty simple, actually.

If ppl need to leave for emergencies or they dc, I get it. It happens to all of us.

But you said it yourself, sometimes ppl leave bc they don’t care about anyone else.

Seems like you could just have a system that allows u to commend helpful players and censure bad behavior.

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make your own group of ppl you know who won’t leave. problem solved!


Great idea! may as well abolish the group finder already

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That requires the acceptance of personal accountability and responsibility, which is something that the authors of threads like this don’t have.


Well you can’t multi-box any more since they changed the EULA / TOS. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve found that most people seem to be friendly, but I have had some bad apples trying to rot mid dungeon before… :confused:

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Lol!!! Did this happen to you? :scream_cat:

Well, hell… Do we have a working torture chamber in the game?

Send them all there, or three days in the Maw everytime you leave one!

while covered in bees.

Don’t forget the honey first! Off to Grizzly Hills to collect some… or that place in bfa with those nasty bees!!

It seems most people are okay with a system that tracks player behavior.

If someone is helpful/nice u can commend them.

If someone flames the group in chat and then leaves u can report them.

If someone has an emergency or DCs u do nothing.

But this system would do exactly what I stated in the original post and punish leavers. So I’m glad we all agree ^.^

At least the Alliance can get the bee mount…be cool to have a Tauren on a giant bumble bee mount…not sure why they did that, but that’s a different topic altogether.

Honey is too sweet and kind…cover them in Maw mob bait to attract more enemies from the maw. :crazy_face:

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Not going to lie I miss the fun old days of being in Org / SW and “trade barking” to get a group to go do RFC / RFK / SC / SMK and then since it took an hour every one would just run the dungeon max number of times then every one would pull out toys (back when you had to keep them in the bank / bags) and just talk, show them off and have fun. Then after an hour or so you’d run it again doing this for 3-5 hours or more and then you’d all add each other, end up forming a guild and having a blast.

Now people just barrel through dungeons, leave, hardly re-queue together and I feel like part of the community has suffered for it…then again…maybe I’m just “old school”. Yes I’m sure I can just go play classic, we can still trade bark but usually when I’ve tried that I get the reply “just use LFG”. Those were great times regardless though.

Solid advice. Unfortunately it doesn’t work out as easy as it sounds. Making friends takes time. Making them in any of the places you suggest means they already have known each other a long time.

Also these people already have time scheduling that doesn’t necessarily line up with the person tryinng to fit in.

This suggestion is always the pat answer from players that have had their groups of friends for years. Frankly I’ve always thought it shortsighted and unkind.

That doesn’t mean you personally. I hope you do not take it that way.

That said, if one is going to pug you know what you’re getting into and the possible outcomes.

PS anyone giving this advice ought to leave their bnet account id and ask the person to join them.


Yea, I used to be in guilds with people I knew on a first name basis. Log on and there was always someone to play with.

Now I’m in a guild I never interact with just so I can have a shorter hearthstone cd and often have no friends online.

Maybe I’m just jaded at this point but I feel like the game got less social, not me.



You can already do this (and should be already do this).

And how exactly is someone supposed to be able to differentiate between these things in your fantasy world exactly … ?

Except your post essentially said “I want the power to permanently ban people who leave keys for reasons I personally disagree with”. Not your exact words but when you extrapolate what a “punishment” actually would have to entail, that is what you land on.

So no, absolutely no one wants your M+ Social Credit System.

… are you talking to yourself or something?

And for good measure…

Obvious troll is obvious. Have a good day.


I’m not gonna interact with this

Why should I get punished for leaving a key where you’re doing 47k dps and died 18 times cuz you keep standing in frontals?

You aren’t paying me to get carried, and not like I’ll get rewarded for doing it


Writes notes down “Join…guild…for quicker…hearthing…which I need badly…”

Yes it does seem VERY much like it is less social and more about “me me me” when it comes to other things. I do miss the fun social aspect of making a group to do things with.

I last mainly played in WoD, bit of BFA, tiny bit of SL (saw the Maw and noped out) and then DF at the start but didn’t like Dragon Riding or content so left and only recently came back. I’m still doing my best to have fun but honestly I’m having more fun doing old content (nostalgia maybe) than current content, but still do it to get pets, mounts and cosmetics that I think look nice. Keys are stressful so I don’t always do them but when I do I prefer dos eq…I mean…to just relax on low ones usually.

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If the keyholder doesn’t want to call it quits then neither should you.

I never said it was easy. putting yourself out there is hard.

It is ridiculous, however, that people want others to treat them like friends, without putting in the work of curating a friend group. That’s just not the reality of the game anymore and hasn’t been for over a decade.

two things:

  1. I’ve offered my bnet to people multiple times in m+ hate threads. Offers to help get a key done or w/e. not once have I been taken up on the offer. I think people just want to complain and be heard complaining. What else am I supposed to think when every single time an offer of help is extended, it isn’t taken?

  2. Everyone else’s keys aren’t my responsibility. I’ve reached out in the past with a battle tag, and certainly would again in the future if the situation merited it, but I’m not going to do it on every single m+ complaint thread. :woman_shrugging:



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