Punish M+ Leavers

Oh so the infamous “you must be bad” well look at my stats, you can see I don’t partake or subscribe to your opinions. You make a pedant statement

You realize I just copied/mirrored your statment…right?

You made a wild, and false, stereotype about people against a penalty. I made an equally wild, and false, stereotype about people for a penalty.


Based on that character you don’t partake in any relevant content either.

He also just flipped your statement.

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Could care less , it’s just something they do when they cannot come up with anything else meaningful, just full of opinions.

Finally, someone realizes the truth. I’ve been saying all along that I only support the penality, I never said I partake in group content, nor will I ever.

So you are not good enough for said content and support the penalty - weird.

On a less snarky level - typically key holders from my experience tend to be the ones with lower DPS on average.

There is a reason you occasionally see high ilevle character que with lower ilevel ones

If you don’t do group content, please abstain from voicing your preferences. You don’t know what is helpful for the game then because you don’t play it and you don’t plan to play it either.

He was showing how out of touch and delusional your statement was.

So your opinion on content you don’t do is irrelevant. Now you’re just trolling.

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Hey now. My guildy was helping me farm 18s on my 450 hunter.

I brought lust!

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so, you don’t do the content, therefore have NO idea what you’re talking about, yet you think your opinion matters?

seriously delusional.

edit to rant more

it’s actually a bit enraging how many people don’t do the content yet come here spouting opinions on content they do not do, they do not understand, and they have no intention of doing or understanding.

stay in your lane, people. for heck’s sake.

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Not to be contrarian or look for a “gotcha” moment, but I’m curious why you won’t participate in group content? Is it a concern you may run into folks that will make it insufferable? That’s understandable

Says a lot about your statement then. Which was my point.

Which makes sense. You dont understand why its a bad thing because its content you dont do.

on the topic of leavers, some people leave because they can see a key will be over by like 2 mins. they dont want a over time score to show up on their Raider IO thing.

so Merry Christmas sometime last season when i went and soloed the rest of the dungeon like 2 hours over.
I kinda hope they noticed when they got credit for it in the mail

Considering it has zero negative effect and I have never heard anyone complain about this ever…


maybe not but given as a pointless reason :dracthyr_shrug:

in any case, was fun to solo the boss encounter. (think it was Neltharious.)

Make a community and invite good pugs you run with to it. Then after a time you have will have a large pool of players to invite.


Dang this thread got wild.

I really like your ideas. Dungeons scaling harder is def something I wouldn’t mind. And I say that as someone near enough to a milestone threshold that if they did scale harder, I’d probs have yet to reach the milestone. Which I’m fine with, as my goal is to just improve as a player overall. But I think a lot of players stop at milestones. And if a future season becomes harder to achieve those milestones, especially because of an intended scaling design, people might get upset. But people do anyways so that also could be a /shrug moment. I do know that right now +10s and below may well not exist.

On the math… tbh I have no idea. I could def see some tweaking needed to Fort/Tyran (even removal with how you describe), but I personally like the timer. I’ll admit I’m not versed enough to understand how affix changes and timings would effect things as a whole. I wouldn’t mind the ceiling lower, again, even if it makes it harder on me, personally. But I’m not a player that reaches the ceiling.

I do love your ideas on the dungeon journal and in dungeon interactions. I’ll always encourage people to seek out resources, but I’m def never against more being added in game. I use the mythic trap website for raids and they have small clips that show off the mechs. Would be cool to be able to see a clip in the journal. A lot of people just look stuff up anyways. So I don’t see a significant advantage except in accessibility. I also adore your idea on NPC talk. Whether it’s a friendly NPC or even the boss having something to say when we fail a mechanic. That’s just more immersion right there.

I like how your ideas focus on cause, rather than trying to mitigate the effect of an unaddressed cause.

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I’ve got to say its been about the same for me. I can’t think of more than a couple of times and sadly I didn’t realize it until the run was over that we had 4 manned it and the group was complaining that the leaver got loot. I swear I need to stop playing like I’m soloing M+.

If there was anything to correct I could get behind leavers not being eligible for loot if they didn’t get kicked. Than again this could also cause cascading issues were people who want to leave act so egregiously that the party kicks them.


Now that we’re about 500 in I wanted to ask the people supporting the punishment if they want to run some keys with everyone else they’ve been arguing with.

Stop being a noob and people wont leave your keys so much.