Punish M+ Leavers

And those games would be better off without leaver penalties.

I’m running for ff 20, this is hopeless, we have no way to win.


K, set auto attack to top lane, alt tab, time to watch youtube.

Has been slain.

K, auto attack again. Back to youtube.

Finally surrendered.

Sure - but other games don’t punish you for not leaving either.

Being forced to stay in a group that will take multiple attempts to down bosses is not good game play.

That is an unpopular opinion, only someone who leaves 90% of the their games would be against the penalties. You are playing the wrong games.

Because being held hostage in a League of Legends game sucks. Rather people leave asap, and their lp in ranked will fall wherever it lands. I queued to win - and thus once winning is not possible or projected not to be possible, time to FF.

Same with keys - join to time.

This is false.

Adding leaver penalties allows groups to hold people ransom - for non random qued content.

That’s messed up.

Would utterly destroy pugs.

If you agree with a leaver penalty it’s because you aren’t good and want to force people to stay in keys.

I don’t care about other games. You notice the only content in WoW that has leaver penalties is qued content.

Mplus isn’t qued content so it shouldn’t have any penalties because people don’t want to carry someone for free.

Apparently not forcing people to carry other people is a foreign concept to you.

I’ve run hundreds (if not thousands) of keys since Legion and have never left a single one that wasn’t a full-group decision to quit. I’ve stayed and completed a key after two hours and >110 deaths. And I am completely against leaver penalties.


It’s rare - but I’ve had one.

+17 rise - no one did over 100k dps on tyr.

5 orb rounds and boss was still at 25%.

Said “I don’t think we have enough dps”.

“We’re fine” was the response.

I quite.

sometimes on the last boss, I wish people would stay to finish, but they leave.

(Key is bricked.)

I’ve also dipped after first boss because it took too long.

Yeah, that seems like it’s going to be a really long run.

I can see that comp making morchie scary with all the add uptime’s, and kiting and that frontal being really painful to control…



It’s rare (I’ve only left a handful of mythic+ out of 100s) - but I’ve learned to keep a close eye on dps in pugs.

Nothing worse than giving the bad dps a chance only to find out 25 min later that you can’t actually complete it and other people leave….


This is a much bigger deal on tyrannical, too. If a group was hypothetically willing to take whatever time was needed to complete a dungeon, they might complete it just through attrition. But tyrannical bosses are a hard stop if you don’t have the dps. Don’t blame you one bit for bailing on those.


The issue is in a perfect world people would apply to the level they know they can play at. The issue is you have people that aren’t performing or don’t play well enough to get to the level they apply for.

I have timed 20+ keys on my 480 rogue. I’m not going to apply to 20s on my 459 hunter. I could probably time those keys in a guild group but it’s not fair to the pug group for me to try on my hunter.

And most people don’t think that way.


Now that I think about it - there is one thing that bothers me about leavers.

If you 4 man it - they are still eligible for loot.

That’s annoying - but hard to change without messing something else up

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Yeah, that part’s really tricky. Not sure how that could be addressed that wouldn’t also result in people being able to remove someone from the group at the last minute, preventing them from getting loot.

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Punishing leavers will never work. The other players aren’t bots, you can’t make them play with you. A much better solution would be to incentivize staying. Maybe give full crests whether you time or not since failing the timer already gives less loot and score.

And M+ leavers is such a rare thing now that it’s not worth spending more effort on. I’ve had maybe 3 keys across all my characters fail due to leavers so far this season.

Yep there isn’t.

Arguably it’s the only time I could see a leaver penalty being valid (they left costing you both loot and time in a dungeon you could otherwise have timed).

But - it’s such a narrow example of when leaving is actually detriment that it’s not worth correcting.

Especially given if you can 4 man it - there is little reason for anyone to leave unless something happened where they had to go.

(It only happens once maybe twice per expansion for me).

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I mean, if we are gonna make up stuff about others.

Only someone who plays so badly that people want to leave them 90% of the time is for penalties.


Not anymore.