Punish M+ Leavers

I would like to do this justice so I’m going to like and bookmark and read it tomorrow. That is quite a bit, I’m in and out gaming, and on the flower. Kinda like Snozo I don’t really think there’s a leaver issue overall. But I like talking game modes and potential improvements to them. I have some pretty wild ideas about raids myself lol.


Thanks! That’s a really nice response. I got carried away with it because my ADD meds kick in hard and make me write/talk a lot lol


I totally get it LOL. Depending on the subject I just get into this mode I just keep going.


… To themselves and their friends.

Oooh nooooes…

Like… y’all don’t understand: No one’s PUGing delves. They go from 1-5 players, and… like… anyone to be “exposed to” won’t be there.

All you’ll have is slightly fewer people in M+.

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You clearly don’t understand what I’m talking about.

I’m talking about all the solo players that have been pretending to want harder content fail because they aren’t as good as they thought they were.

Then delves will just turn into another avenue for people to sell carries

I think the open world events of Dragonflight (and let’s remember that delves are the capstone of the open world lane of content) have proven that WoW is ok with “show up and win” content being rewarding. I do expect there to be difficulty levels to this, but I can’t see it being anything more than getting the rewards faster. Tons of people will just dial it down a step and take a bit longer to complete the content, and that’s ok.

Logging into WoW and being satisfied doesn’t have to have a skill requirement, and that’s more than OK. Everyone’s time is worthwhile.

But that’s not what this thread is about so I’ll leave it there. Happy holidays!


That’s all WoW solo l/world content has ever been.

As usual you’re completely missing the point. Delves are going to be difficult in order to drop heroic equivalent gear.

Those same solo players that have been asking for hard solo content are going to get a hefty reality check.

I absolutely believe that its rude and self centered to expect others to put up with (the figurative) you, if you become a person one does not want to be around.


Nothing I said was rude or self centered. I was being honest with you and informing you that y don’t know what you’re talking about.

Im loads of fun at parties and family gatherings.

Imagine being so angry over a video game you assume and imply people abuse children without even knowing them.

You’re a hypocrite because that’s definitely pretty rude. I see why people refuse to carry you.


I don’t ask for carries , I pull my own weight , and you call me a hipocrite.

That’s why you hide your main right?

Sure thing. That’s why you have multiple leavers right?

People don’t leave good keys.

I called you a hypocrite because you said I was being rude (even though I wasn’t) and then turned around and made up some off the wall accusations that I abuse children without any evidence.

That is 100% hypocrisy.

PS. Deleting your post because it was flagged wont stop the mods from seeing it.

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Who even thinks of stuff like this? It’s telling of a person when things like this inhabit a persons mind for no reason.


The same reason anyone else would, they need an item from the dungeon or they want to time it for score.

Then they wonder why people won’t stay in the group :man_facepalming:t3:


yeesh these comments are rough. about sums up the retail community these days imo

There are bad players on both retail and classic. Toxicity isn’t exclusive to retail.

Joined a +8 Atal on my Resto Shammy. Rezan fight, the Bear Tank never used Iron Fur a single time. He ate fears as did the DPS. Not a single person ran when focused, which caused me to heal my but off.

After what seemed like an eternity, Rezan’s health wasn’t even half way down. I checked the DPS numbers and one DPS had 16k…other two had around 28k.

Next boss there was zero chance that DPS would kill the totems correctly…Sometimes you gotta know when to fold em. I bounced.

I shouldn’t be punished for not banging my head against the wall…


I know but I realize I went overboard. My b

I never said that, I just said I agree with the leaver penalty. You do realize other games that evolve around group content have leaver penalties right? it’s not a foreign concept.