Punish M+ Leavers

Yeah, trying to manage expectations with strangers is difficult. That’s where I find repeat runs with btag folk help establish that. But it does take some work and when we sit down to enjoy digital recreation sometimes that kind of investment isn’t jiving with us.


No worries I understand, I didn’t read all 400 comments, nor normally partake in these threads.


How long have you been a human? I remember an Ughash as an orc back a few years ago - was a cool dude. If I’m just blind and you’ve been rocking the Blue and Gold for a while…oops :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


Yeah, I saw you were at the Oh’nara plains last night at the same time as me and almost said something, but it was getting “that time” to leave the desk for a bit.

I’m so used to never looking at that chat box that Khronos literally has to find me and jump up and down in front of me before I notice he wants to play! lol!

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something to think about

That was me!! Haha. Oh man, I was human warrior, Wod-Legion then a Maghar Orc through BFA, before returning human for SL :sunglasses::v:t2:.

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The stone-cold keeper guy?

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Man, that’s awesome! I like when folks from days gone by still frequent this place.


I understand. I see it too - I also see the opposite happen as well. When people are told ‘git gud’ or join a group, but not in a nice way that was said above. So I sometimes rush in to defend the other side as well.

Most open worlder’s don’t expect the game to change for them anymore than those that run highend even think about us. I think the majority of players usually just go play the game the way they want and accept the parameters and rewards based on that decision. It’s just the minority with the loudest voices that complain, and then we all jump in for a nice gd forum monster bash! lol


Thanks for remembering me! Yeah a lot of the old heads have left :(. A couple I’m looking out for still, but haven’t seen them around yet. It’s fun here, lot of sweet people, and sometimes becomes free entertainment when I’m bored at work :joy:.

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Gotta get my reps in somehow :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


:rofl: omg, your on a roll tonight! :joy:

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Wings is up. Soon, the streak will end, and I will be like Flowers for Algernon in the morrow.

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:rofl::rofl: o my god, stop, I just spewed dt coke all over!

Have a good one guys!


haha, very accurate. and i’m guilty of it for sure.


I like your humility


i like your headband!


This thread became…kinda positive? Christmas miracle?


It really ties the mog together, Walter

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I wouldn’t actually do this but I saw an opportunity to try thinking of something.
Keep in mind I am terrible at maths and have zero forethought for what kind of havoc this could cause. I would appreciate it if someone pointed out the flaws at I’m sure there are plenty.

Instead of punishing leavers, what I’m attempting here is to train players earlier in their m+ career to deal with bosses as I believe the best way to reduce left keys is actually to try and improve player skill. The idea is that more skill/practice on mechanics early on means less mistakes later on in higher keys which would hopefully have the effect of less leavers due to mismatch in group skill. I admit it could backfire and the rate of leavers in entry level keys could sky-rocket lmao. at this point we’re only really moving the frustration from one segment to another so I think you would have to implement other changes too.

Since leavers are more a 2-20 thing and not a 21+ thing (as this is where loot and vault is no longer the primary goal, instead timing becomes the only thing that matters); I would scale the lower keys harder. Either increase boss hp or tighten up the timers between mechanics so everyone has to learn boss mechs at lower levels before hitting 15s and sandbagging. If boss hp gets a permanent 20% then use big brain Math to reduce the overall mob hp required for 100% mob count down to balance it out. Example: if 4 bosses are 40mil hp and after buffs it’s 48mil then combine all mob hp required to hit 100% (idk, also 40mil for arguments sake) and reduce that by 8mil for 32mil total. Adjust, replace or remove things around this (timers, tyrannical, fort) to achieve similar completion times and dmg intake on group. It’s just putting more power on bosses (usually not fun) but removing some power from trash (yay big pull time!). I would also suggest not trying to make boss mechanics going forward as tight and complicated as raid bosses or it might get too frustrating at higher levels (insane throughput checks, narrow windows to complete required tasks)

This may bring the ceiling of achievable keys down from low 30s so I don’t know how the high end players would react. I mean essentially, it’s just a 25 instead of a 30 for the bleeding edge and on paper that’s not a problem, but it doesn’t feel nice to get limited by design like that.

Also, maybe improving the dungeon journal in a way that could give hints or small pictures/clips to explain to less experienced players how to do something better after they fail it. You could even keep it in role play and feature some well known Npc with voice lines or text lines either giving tips or guiding you to the journal.
I will use Tyr as an example because in beginner keys he’s always the boss I notice inexperienced players fudging up.
Group didn’t soak with tank? Npc says something like “That big hit was too big for our groups tank! We should help him take the hit next time!” or death screen options increased to [release/death log/clippy the paperclip style npc] and selecting the third option opens up the journal to the mechanic and shows a 3second clip of a npc group all running into the group soak which is visually enhanced for clarity. Think similar to like league of legends hero introduction vids.

I’m not sure of the how, but essentially at the moment the only teaching the game provides is increased dmg taken, reduced throughput or death and while those are good at teaching players who love to learn and improve; at the lower levels what actually might happen is: increased healer strain, prolonged fights due to limited feedback on throughput reduction (players not relating a failed mechanic to reduced dps or even noticing reduced dps) and not understanding that your death was the consequence of failing a check (Eg. “wtf how’d I die, this healer sucks”)

That was longer than I intended. My bad.