Punish M+ Leavers

i’m not trying to be insulting, i’m trying to point out that lots of people are creating a limitation for themselves and blaming the game for it. it’s the same as the “but i’m a solo only no group content no instances no quests that don’t reward gear no buying things from the auction house player, where’s the content specifically designed for ME?? why am i being PUNISHED??” mindset.

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I wonder if they thought about locking the leavers vault/lock them out from mythic+ for the week if they leave a certain amount? :nerd_face:

You’re not on hers either.



Maybe not, but I am.



that’s a fun idea! maybe next they can lock out vaults for people who sit and watch incorp casts go off repeatedly while their CC remains unused. how about the people who buttpull extra mobs and blame the tank? the players who repeatedly die to avoidable damage without using health pots and then blame the healer?

surely you agree those players also deserve no vault loot, right?



That would be a cool idea so long as they locked players out of the vault who died more than 2 times in a 7 day period to avoidable damage.

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Then don’t play M+. Just go play some other aspect of endgame that gives you the same rewards for the same amount of planning and work. It’s not like Blizzard has made M+ totally mandatory for progression! Oh, wait …

Sounds like you enjoy leaving keys :nerd_face:.

Well, I’m not one of those people.

:scream: my god in heaven! What is wrong with you! lol /hugs

BTW I have 10 people on my friend list including my two boys, one of their wives, and one of their friends. And though I know little of any of the friends private lives they are still people I would send a Christmas card to.

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that’s a weird suggestion. i almost never leave keys.

did i touch a nerve? a bit too close to home?

Sounds like you do sub tank damage. I guess we all have faults.

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I have no idea who you are or why you took my random idea so personal :rofl:.

I was being snarky. My wife and my daughter and one of my brothers, and various friends, are on my list. Just yesterday I added two new BTaggers that are relative regulars here and we ran a dungeon together. I love that aspect of the game. Even if it’s touch and go, sharing some time with another human with which you share a basic interest is good, though perhaps simple, socializing.

The important connections are definitely more meaningful, though, that’s true.

I’m also fairly certain I ran at least one key with Pyri…I think(?) in shadowlands. I know we were in an old Discord for M+ groups. Same with others here. That was great. Though we’re on different levels gaming wise (me lower tier) those kinds of discord/in-game communities complement the friends list well.


I can offer some insight here. It’s because ‘punish leavers’ ideas nearly exclusively come from people who never engage with the content, so it always comes across as spiteful and vindictive, rather than actually constructive.


Thank you for the insight :slight_smile: I just threw my idea out in the wind, no ill intent, nor directed at anyone specifically.


fair enough, but it’s one we see constantly here and it’s almost exclusively meant as a backhanded insult to people who run keys regularly. sorry if i was a bit snappy on my reply.


I know, and I have to work on just doing things and letting people help just in the open world. For me I just get shy to ask, and also then someone takes the time, but because of my back I only get about two hours at the desk before having to take a break - then because I don’t want to say anything in the middle of things when I just can’t sit there a second longer, and have already pushed myself past the limit I end up in a bit of agony after. phew, talk about a run on sentence!!!

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