Punish M+ Leavers

I dunno man, content without a fail state has never been fun. Warfronts were a failure simply because you couldn’t lose. I think that’s a non-starter for me.

The he current system is fine. No one should be punished.

I disagree, some of the most fun I ever had playing this game was layer 8 of the jailer’s gauntlet. it is still punishment enough to get close to the end, but not win. IMO that is enough of a “you lose” – the actual losing part. Adding a consequence to losing adds a layer of frustration to so many levels of this game.

First, it causes the meta to be way over-hyped. It also causes score to be over-hyped. A lot of people I know will only invite meta. And instead of forming an appropriate group, many will opt to put together carry groups.

If the risk were simply one’s time, that would allow people to take more risks and “invite the player not the class”. It would stop group finder from feeling glacially slow.

It might also loosen people up a little, and let some toxicity fade away

Wow, you’re such a pillar of this community. Love it.


Gimme a breakdown of how you’d handle leavers that does not have an adverse effect on pugs, is not abusable, and doesn’t punish high end players who leave dead keys.

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I’m saying these responses are annoying as hell. “No”. This comment doesn’t provide anything productive to the conversation. Piss off if you can’t give a legitimate response.

The meta is only hyper by bad players that require the meta to time 15s.

The people you know that only invite meta are just bad.

That’s already the risk. Which is why I get in groups with people doing tank level damage I don’t waste my time and I leave.

People are fine. The only toxicity is the lower end of keys because people aren’t good and want to blame every other little thing.

There’s nothing to handle. The current system is working fine as is.

Mythic “leavers” isn’t a problem that needs fixed.


Get over yourself. OP was not constructive whatsoever. Simply calling for punishments because people leave their groups.

I agree. But I was curious of what their ideas were after how they reacted to my no.

Because that what a “friend” is. Someone who you know, not an acquaintance.

So, it’s a pug with a bunch of strangers who get to judge you every run instead of strangers you only see once and don’t care what they think of you.
If you’re not a great player…mmm, I can feel it now. And don’t tell me some of these people aren’t actually great friends who’ve known each other for quite some time.

In a way the date part is correct. Do I want to run with people who don’t know how I feel when I mess up? Who don’t know the level of my embarrassment or anxiety or nervousness? And why would I put that kind of level of expectation on anyone who is barely an acquaintance? That’s not fair to them or me.

Friends are people that care about you at least on some level. What you’re suggesting is a pug with the same players, not people with real names and very real feelings.

For some, not all, maybe just a minority of us this kind of set-up is even worse. I’m glad your personality is take 'em or leave 'em. Joke, do a run and you’re good. Not everyone is built that way. That’s all.

And just to be clear, this isn’t asking for a pity party, at all. It is what it is and I accept what I can handle. I like what “friend” actually means.

okay, then i’m hereby letting it be known that when we say “make friends to run m+ with”, most of us mean “acquaintances”. does that help? :slight_smile:

some of the people i’ve added randomly ended up being cool people i’ve played with again and gotten to know better. some of them i haven’t seen since we became acquaintances. both are fine, and both are better than picking randoms out of thin air. at least these are people i’ve known played at least one key competently!



I’m not out buying christmas presents or BFF necklaces with any of the people I do keys with.

but I think most people know that. I find it extremely hard to believe someone genuinely thinks “actual friend” when we talk about friends to run keys with.


i think it’s just an excuse not to try.

“only meta dps can get into groups”
“i can’t run my own key because i’m not a leader”
“i will only run keys with friends i’ve known for at least 3 years and if i know their middle name and they sent me a good christmas gift last year”


Happy to dissappoint that belief.

Do you only have close “friends” on your in-game “friends” list? I’m skeptical that Blizzard intended that list to be exclusive to only those people you’re exceptionally close with. I suspect the intended function was for gaming and content “friends.”


i imagine they were on AIM back in the day like “this service is stupid, nobody uses it” because they only added 3 people. after all, it was called the friend list, not the acquaintance list!


I guess I don’t get how one would progress to friend status if you’re not playing with them periodically to begin with. Like, the first step is, for example, pugging and getting a good vibe from someone and thinking you’d like to have more runs go that well, so you do a, “hey, mind if I btag ya?” afterwards. Couple days later when you’re making another group, you check your list (twice!!) and see them on and say, “hey, wanna run keys?” And if they do, cool! Rinse, repeat.

But if you’re not doing the whole btag part, you’re always stuck at square one, which is “PUG again.”

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AITA for not having my wife on my friends list?


I suspect that you are correct.

I guess insults are really helpful at this point. This started with me saying that the pat answer of get in guild or discord is not as easy as it seems, even if you are in one. I’m not nor was I complaining, I simply answered the question in the best way I could. If some of you refuse to accept the answer that’s on you.

That’s exactly what it is. These people cannot accept personal responsibility for not doing stuff so they find reasons why they can’t, it takes the monkey off their back in their mind. It’s like a player who says anything about someone being a “gatekeeper”, I automatically disregard anything they say after that.

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