Punish M+ Leavers

M+ leavers are already punished because they had to be in a bad group.

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Because three attempts before depleting should be doable by anyone?

Maybe you’re just better than me, but I think I’d need more than 3 attempts to beat a 28. I’d need more than 3 to beat a 24, tbh.

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What’s funny is that ppl with functioning brain understand that this would also just raise the score on the title and would have no impact as such.

No. So you even do mplus?

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The ai bots will never be in mplus.

Also delves will finally expose the solo players that are just bad when they can’t complete them


You are definitely allowed do send them 40-65 links to never gonna give you up

no. stop. why do people always act like the word “friend” in this context has to mean somebody you visit, send Christmas cards to, and hang out with regularly?

m+ friends can be people you play with when you’re all free. it does not take years. have a good run? put your btag in group chat before you leave and let people know you would be down to run keys.

i make a couple friends a week like this. other people want to group as much as you do. this isn’t dating. you’re not looking for a marriage.


Yep thats all this game is anymore, just a group chat room.

this game is whatever people make of it. people who just sit in a corner complaining that nobody’s including them and calling them all elitist meanies are going to be miserable because they’ve chosen to be. just like outside the game.

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Yet you never run with me anymore :sob:

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what’s your weekend look like?

You know what they say about your 3rd time grouping with someone.



Preparing for Christmas. My wife and I are hosting this year so we have to have the house spotless. My dad is coming up Sunday to stay with us so probably only tonight.


Nah man, not once.

and yet you invite pugs who have higher tendencies to leave…seems a bit stupid of you, no?

Explains the terrible take.

This is usually the case and the hard truth. All too often I get into a high key 20+, inspect the group and think “ok, looks good”. Then we get to the key and its clearly one or more of the individuals are being carried hard. Then they get bent out of shape when you leave after then 5th wipe on trash two minutes into the key. I’m sorry, I am not spending an hour in this key, burning the gold on flasks, food, runes, repairs and so on so some turd can get their score up and learn nothing. It’s hard to trust anyone these days with keys, its honestly a gamble.

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True man, you know best.

IMO the answer is the opposite. There should be no punishment to the REST of the group when someone leaves the key. IMO get rid of punishments for not timing a key completely