Punish M+ Leavers

Thats why you’re a troll. Goodnight sweet Troll. May you rant all night and get nowhere :stuck_out_tongue:

By stating a fact?

Bad dps are never the ones to leave a group.

The key holder isn’t being punished for someoen leaving… they are being punished for organizing a sub-optimal group.

Your key would be depleted even if no one left anyways.

That’s on you

Just did a key as a tank where none of the other 4 players were handling the affix at all (not CCing but let alone stunning / kicking) and dps kept dying to boss mechanics that i couldn’t manage for them.

Why should i be forced to suffer in a key (with the leader being the lowest dps who used 0 of his utility) instead of leaving and finding a diff group ?

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Let’s not. It’s a terrible idea.

Because they keybolder is the one who formed the group. Someone leaving is part of pugging. Don’t want to take the risk then don’t pug.

Pa having a key drop a level isn’t that big of a punishment. The only people that complain about that are terribad.

There isn’t a problem with mythic plus leavers. Seriously. Stop trying to fix a problem that’s not actually a problem.

It’s not trolling. You haven’t actually made any good points.

The system is working fine as is. Mythic plus “leavers” aren’t why people can’t time 15s

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THIS… This right here…

Yea and your part of the problem then… But using Raider . IO and seeing who has done the dungeon and similar key levels multiple times highly reduces that chance of a flop. But even then if its JUST ONE PERSON that is a carry. The key can be timed. I mean heck. I timed a 19 WCM the other day with the actual key holder disconnected (blizzs connection at fault) for the last two bosses. No one is just randomly bailing on a key unless its completely obvious a bunch of clowns have tricked you into joining their circus… NTY…

This right here loses me

I just build a group based on what utility I want, look at people’s IO/ilvl/number of timed runs and almost never don’t time the key. Then in the rare instance we don’t I say ‘ah well’ then go next.

I’ve got a 22 Rise key in my bag right now that I’m going to try at some point this weekend. I would say my thoughts are timing it will be 50/50. If it bricks I’ll try the 21, more likely than the 22 but who knows. If that bricks? No big deal. I wouldn’t expect people to stay uf we aren’t going to time it, that’s the whole point of the key–if we’re making alright progress and will complete a few minutes over the clock fine, but I’d leave my own key if those weren’t the conditions. Lol

It’s a game. If the only way people can have fun is to rope strangers into either carrying them (and this is really the issue in all these posts to begin with) or suffering, why play it?

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Honestly… I’d love to figure out the best way to give these sorts of people exactly what they want without harmming anyone elses good times. So that maybe, just maybe, they’d find out what’s really stopping them from timing keys (it ain’t the leavers).

When you have limited time to play, slogging through a doomed key is stupid. The people who are complaining know the leavers aren’t the issue. They just want to complete the key get loot and leave. Others, like myself, are more interested in the crests and score than the loot at the end. That’s the part the people complaining don’t understand.


Another thing I don’t understand - feeling like a key depletion is a punishment.

I’d much rather someone leave early and deplete my key - then slog it out out and potentially not complete the key anyways

The former is a minor inconvenience.

The latter is a major time waste.


Or if i see dps never press defensives/interrupts… dead key right there when that happens lol xD

3 charges on a key before it depletes. Allows for some error without allowing infinite spamming.

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way more fail groups up for grabs. Makes people’s weekly 20 significantly harder.

Maybe, but I’ll be honest…I don’t pug that often, I’m mostly in premades with friends, and 3 charges sounds like an awesome way to try riskier strats without throwing the key away on a failure. And although I don’t think leavers are nearly prevalent enough to be considered a problem, this would soften the blow for the rare times it does happen.

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That’s diluting score. Sounds bad cause people want title.

How is it diluting score? Everyone has access to the same system. That said, since when do we think Blizzard should design systems around title? I’m also pretty sure a lot of people pushing for title have suggested charges on keys as a good change.

It is diluting score because it’s making score easier to get.

People will get +200 points or something due to it.

As I’ve said in my multiple threads hyped about follower dungeons and delves:

Play with friends or play alone, these are the spots Blizzard supports most and that the game is built for.

PUGing is possible, of course, but it’s never been ideal for manually assembled group content.

You will never see punishments for leavers because we are not entitled to each other’s time, and the game can’t mechanically split hairs between “someone was a dick” and “real life just exploded.” The answer is to play with people who have a connection that either prevents leaving due to social weight or makes leaving tolerable because of personal knowledge of the individual.

Play with friends. PUG at your own risk. Delves are coming. M+ isn’t for everyone.


Non-M+ player who returned because delves are coming.