Punish M+ Leavers

Punish this!
7 minutes of yelling
Anime gigapunch
Super Smash Bros home run sound effect

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Yes, these systems are great. They are not 100%, however. And should one have to do 10 minutes of research on someone at all?

This is a game where we are meant to meet each other, play and have fun.

A level choice at the dungeon gate would allow for mythic plus without the downside of key punishment. It would also loosen up the group leader’s abilities to take people into groups. Because under this way a “bad player” turning up would only result in a player replacement. Currently it’s a player replacement, a re-run of a lower key then back to the key you originally meant to do before the “bad player”. A possible 1-2 hour punishment being placed on the keyholder because of a random Tacobell bio is perhaps bad.

Why would anyone run lower keys?

I’d argue this would increase the ratio of failed keys considerably

Without a sense of progression - it would arguably mess tings up

This is it! I agree

The system I would like is:

At the Dungeon door you can choose level 1-20 plus.

Then you run the dungeon at that difficulty. If you don’t get to end boss because a player leaves, you simply go get another player and start up again at the dungeon you want.

If you complete the dungeon at level (let’s say) level 12, then that dungeon at level 12 will be locked for the week and you will have to move forward to level 13 and so on. There are many dungeons, and many levels so there will be plenty to do in a week before reset.

Under this system no one would ever have to run low level keys unless they wanted to.

No one would ever have cause to flip out over getting a bad key. A person leaving would not be as hated.

People would progress according to their actual skill level. If they can’t kill the content, then that’s on them.

But the adding of a 3rd party dictating who can do what and when is a pointless pain point where none need exist.

This would make gear progression considerably worse.

It would force people to always go up even if they didn’t want to

How would that happen? It would operate like regular mythic plus in the dungeon.
You only get loot at the last boss. (you deleted this question I see)

The gear progression would be fine. You can gain access to every level of key you can hope for in the group finder anyways. The trick has always been to assemble a group that can kill it.

If people wanted to stay at the same level they could just move to a different dungeon. Ton’s of combo’s before the week ends.

Because you can under the current system you can run as many 17s as you want

Under your proposed system you could only one it once per week.

Loot is dungeon specific.

For example: BIS healing trinket drops from rise.

And only rise.

Ohh so you basically want to keep this horrible system that hurts tons of people so you can spam target one item.

You could in theory spam the same level 17 dungeon over and over again. But tell me honestly how many times do you actually GET into your preferred dungeon per week?

I bet it’s once…maybe 2 times if your lucky.

yeah this is a horrible idea lol

As many times as I want?

First week of season 3 I did 15 rises…

I actually have two characters at 2K - all from pugging.

It’s not that difficult.

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Ok let’s say I remove the weekly lock out (it’s imaginary I can do that). Would you then be ok with the door to the dungeon holding the levels rather then a key?

No. It removes incentive / challenge.

Again - people could just reset until they get it right.

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The keyholder system is not a “challenge” it’s just annoyance for the sake of annoyance. But because you have succeeded in this current system you have little to no empathy for those being punished by it.

So, while I would love to continue this, I don’t think we can currently bend each others opinions. So, it’s pointless to continue… perhaps tomorrow, my bed is summoning me.

Not quite.

It’s not about challenge.

It’s about preventing abuse.

With no draw back - you can game the system.

With no key depletion - you can literally restart indefinitely with no drawback.

Adding a “restart with no penalty” button to what is supposed to be end game content… isn’t a great idea.

You’re right - I don’t see any way you can convince me that adding a penalty free “restart button” to end game content is good

Like… can you imagine if they added a button that allowed you to reset raid bosses without anyone ever dying?

It would trivialize end game content.

Ummm…raiding has penalty free re-starts.

Bah never mind man, at this point I’m convinced you’re out to Troll. Why couldn’t you have just said goodnight and let me sleep. Dude!

Not in the middle of a raid boss when someone makes a mistake.

Trolls usually make stuff up to causes drama.

Fact is - your suggestion would trivialize mythic+

It would solve the problem of Mythic plus leavers.

And you’re trolling because you’re skipping the good points I do make and doubling down on the “it will never work”.

If you don’t like my suggestion, then think of a nice system on your own that doesn’t follow the classic “suck it up” formula.

Bet you can’t. Bah going to bed.

You didn’t make any good points.

1). It would ruin mythic+

2). Bad dps are never the ones to leave a key…. Unfortunately.