Punish M+ Leavers

Been fun for me

grats :slight_smile:


it is fun

these leaver arguments are largely just forum nonsense. in reality the number of unexpected leavers is small enough to be insignificant.

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No. The system is fine. Bad players are at each others throats because they aren’t as good as they think they are. So when they aren’t successful it’s okay the blame game.

It’s not punishing if you actually put in any effort.

There should be zero punishment.

Yes, I leave keys that are a waste of my time… and with the crowd I play with, even in pugging, it’s usually pretty amicable because we are only doing keys to time, not loot.

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The only reason that boss could be a healing issue is if the DPS won’t help stomp out the adds before they spawn, otherwise the damage that boss does is trivial.

To be honest, even 100k is considered low for a 12 at this point. Normally on 17s and higher I like to see 150k on average or higher. I mean heck, I average out around 50k just myself and I am Holy. Even do around 150k on AoE packs.

You wouldn’t be forced to stay in a group with a penalty. You could leave at will and just be unable to start one for 30 minutes, this is not being held hostage. This is already present in the game and people aren’t “held hostage” when they are in a losing rated battleground, they leave and then do another one when the timer is up. It’s a simple equation, if you cost other people time spent in a key or match, your time is also spent waiting for another go.

Is a stupid idea.

So either receive a penalty or be a hostage. Both terrible ideas.

The difference is BGs are random qued.

Pugging is a pug at your own risk Abe therefore will never see penalties.

On top of the fact that this isn’t a wide spread issue. It’s a bunch of bad players complaining on the forums.

What if the people staying in the key are the reason time is being wasted?

I don’t know why “pug at your own risk”
Is such a hard concept for people to understand.

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Does this mean I can report and flag people playing bad enough to brick the key?

It’s fine as is. Maybe this is a case of lousy tanking?

The tree that spawns hurts.

Lets say my system was in place and you could choose the level of dungeon at the door.
Here’s what would happen:

Bad players would choose high dungeons and get their rear ends served to them on a tray. And due to the “no keys” no innocent player would have to lose a key and spend a large amount of time back tracking. Due to “Jonnyimawsome” not being able to estimate his own power and skill level.

That would be the needlessly punishing part I spoke of. Because the keyholder does not deserve to be slapped with punishment because the “random” players they invited where not 100% perfect people. All and all we want the game to encourage players…PLAYING with people rather than hurting each other and wishing horrors on them.

The above statement was sarcasm, sarcasm you too way too seriously. I actually agree. NO one should be punished. But under the current system people are being punished.

And like you said “There should be zero punishment” then why is it ok that punishment is happening to the keyholders?

So you want to play poorly and make it so people can’t leave, or get punished for doing so? Just learn from the mistake and move on.

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Not sure who you’re responding to. I know I didn’t say that. Take some time to read my post, the post I responded to and the post he was responding to and that should bring you up to speed with my conversation.

If you were not talking to me than. Sorry please enjoy your day.

It is - but I’ll usually stick around if there is a small chance we’ll time it - even if it’s less than optimal.

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Why did key holder invite someone who couldn’t do it?

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Do you have any idea how many people can mis-represent their skills. We have guild carries and pay to win. The keyholders can’t possibly wade thru them all and it’s un-reasonable to expect them too.

But that’s the entire response. You crave the convenience of a large, easily accessible pool of players but you’re getting upset when that large pool of players also means a statistically significant pool of people who are either gratingly anti-social, or otherwise just a bad fit for your group.

If you want a steady stable of quality players, that’s what your friend’s list is for. I know it’s horrifying, but please actually talk to and engage with people.


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