Punish M+ Leavers

If you don’t Charlie Brown your keys, no one will leave them.

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This is pretty much the accusation in mythic plus. Makes it sound like that’s pretty much every other person you run into.

Leaving is DISRUPTIVE, should not matter the reason penality should still be applied. Putting in a contigency for leavers is just asking for more bloat already in this game.

Simple solution, if you apply for a key stick with it, if you think there is a chance you might to leave, dont sign up. SIMPLE.

Sounds like a skill issue.

meh…but what about when you join what should be an easy key with the right comp and everyone’s above 2500 io and still acting like they’ve never seen it?
Should I really risk reducing my crest drop over that b/c everyone’s checked out?
Cmon…let’s be real.

Ppl only complain about this issue when it’s THEIR key and they’re not a tank or healer so they lose out on loot potential. I can understand this as I’ve seen jerks leave peoples key for literally the dumbest reason. (My favorite are the fake DC’s)

Nobody owes you their time and if they aren’t having fun in your key they have every right to leave.

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With that Mentality perhaps you are more suited for runninng with players you know, maybe guild or friends.

it’s not that simple.

if I sign up for a key and someone is doing sub tank level damage, I’m not staying unless they pay me.

if I sign up for a key and midway through there are 0 interrupts, 0 stops, and 20+ deaths to damage that could have been avoided guess what? I’m gone.

if I sign up for a key and mid key someone starts raging, screaming obsenities, calling names, etc… guess what? I’m out

and that’s just three examples of instances in which someone should not be penalized.

I’ll add another one - 2 or 3 full wipes on a first boss? see ya.

don’t play like garbage and treat others with respect, and people won’t find it necessary to leave groups.

people. don’t. leave. good. groups.

if you are encountering enough leavers that it’s a big deal, consider the common denominator.


Enough with everyone always responding with this. It isn’t always possible for a LOT of players and the resasons have been explained a myriad of times to you people and you either forget or just ignore it. Not going to explain it again.

It really is, you’re just over-thinking it.

Yea, so quitting the second things come out of your comfort zone. Awesome.

Sounds like someone who does tank damage.

There shouldn’t be any penalty period.

No. You’re just commenting on things you dont actually have a clue about.

There are valid reasons to leave a key and bad players don’t have the right to force people to carry them.


yes. if I’m in a 22 and a non-augvoker dps is doing less damage than me as the tank, unless they ponyed up for the carry, I should be under no obligation to stay. or if they’re not interrupting/stopping casts, or if they’re walking into extra packs like a moron, or dying to easily avoided boss mechanics, causing full wipes, etc. none of that is ok. we’re there to time it, not to hold a stranger’s hand.

you just want to force players to stay in bad groups. it’s not ok.


Easiest way to combat leaver penalty posters is to agree with them, if poor performance also becomes punishable.

If leaving a group is breaking some sort of pact, so is making completing a dungeon impossible.

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-10 io for every missed interrupt :rofl:

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Be an awful lot of people rolling Warriors all the sudden. Lol

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ahhh, weird.

/Looks at my warrior im casually gearing.

I feel attacked.

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Join groups and do group content.

They said

it will be fun

they said


what a train wreck.

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