Punish M+ Leavers

You don’t lose rating.

The healer keeps dying. I’m leaving.
The Tank doesn’t let the healer get mana. I’m leaving.
The DPS stands in everything and never uses any CC, or pays attention to mechanics. I’m leaving.
My mom is having a seizure. I’m leaving.
I just crapped my pants. I’m leaving.
A black widow just crawled across my keyboard. I’m leaving. And setting my house on fire.

There’s too many scenarios to count where I’m leaving a key.

I wouldn’t even suggest it’s that reason. M+ is free loot and free vault slots. It’s a better means to gearing over raiding, all while taking less time. Even if you don’t time it, you still get loot. It’s free loot for doing timed content that you don’t need to time.

Because you aren’t allowed to hold people hostage… they are free to leave a group at anytime for any reason. :person_gesturing_no:

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people who suggest punishments in m+ for leaving should also have had to play at least over 100 League of Legends games. Once people have done that, tell me that is preferable.

(Maybe you’re a never surrender masochist, but then you’re part of the problem.)

I actually did this. Tried playing with friends and such, but I was forcing myself to play a game that I wasn’t enjoying. So I just dropped it. Games like LoL aren’t for me and I accept that. Still a shame that they didn’t continue supporting Heroes of the Storm because that had a lot of potential.

Socialize. Build a friends list. If you put and like the people in the pug, chances are they will gladly do more mythics. Eventually you can reduce how many people you pug with and start playing consistently with people you have run with before.

I get your frustration, but instead of wasting time on what you can’t control, invest time in what you can for better results.


“Noooooo guys, we can turn it around!” - Jungle who has farmed for 20 mins and hasn’t ganked once.

Right here, this is it. Why is this controversial? We have solutions, why are we not utilizing them?

why people won’t curate a friends list, join a discord, join a guild, join a community, etc…to reduce their reliance on pugging and increase their experience with the game is a good question without a universal answer.

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Easier to find a raiding guild than an m+ team. For the few teams I did find, met together for only a day (if even that.)

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It’s bad anti-social habits getting in the way, or just people looking to be mad. Genuinely, with my M+ take, and how I want the rating handled is not what you were assuming either. No point in punishing anything less than 16+ since that’s the equivalent of 1000 or less rating in PvP where you don’t lose rating in my eyes.
If you’re pushing for aspect crests and mythic equivalent raid loot, are you still a casual at that point? I’d also change some of the affixes, like this week. From experience along with observation, no one likes dealing with ghosts and genies at the same time.

Didn’t think I’d be met with hostility either for what I assumed was at most, a lukewarm take.

From experience along with observation, no one likes dealing with ghosts and genies at the same time.

Some people just want free loot, so ANY affix is a problem. (Because it gets in the way of that.) Thus people want positive affixes they can safely ignore and proceed as if nothing even changed.

this might be a testament to some of the condescending comments made in here from sweats that say the keys are too easy this season. It’s been tough to agree with them (mostly b/c i dont like people like that)–but they could be onto something…who knows.

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maybe…or maybe we just didn’t need an aug and the bosss would have dropped dead faster. Seems having that aug made the extra tree stay up for 200 years longer and the fight just took forever.

IDK about that…

statistically, stuff is easier with an aug.

I support punishing leavers, regardless of reason. If you sign up for a key stick with it until the end or don’t sign up. Many other popular AAA games implement a penality for leaving group based content and M+ keys should also fall into this category.

Have you played League?

I can support punishing leavers only when

  1. They key wasn’t theirs
  2. they left when the timer had more than 50% of its time remaining and the dungeon was more than 35% complete.

But i’d still prefer a system where if the preceeding two items took place, the key just doesn’t deplete.

keys downgrading has the effect of limiting fail keys up for grabs. Makes pugging significantly better.

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