Punish M+ Leavers

punishing people for leaving keys will never ever work right.

If they don’t tell us why they left or are leaving, I like to assume they had a

:sparkles: bathroom emergency :sparkles:


You still wouldn’t be held hostage if there was a time penalty in place. System already exists for rated PvP, no reason it couldn’t be applied to M+.

I think I can definitely get on board with that suggestion, Pad.
In fact, I know I’ve also pushed for something siimilar, and that was to knock this exponential scaling thing down a peg and make it more linear. The difference between an 18 and 19 is always super noticeable when you first start climbing and it’s because of the scaling.
It should be scaling more consistently between keys. THe next level up should REALLY be felt by the group. Right now, it seems there are random breakpoints that mathematically are non-sensical.

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There are reasons though. Many of them. Explained many times over in each of these threads.

You most definitely would be held hostage if you’re forced to stay in a key group.

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Where do people find them? I don’t mind pugging but it would be cool to find some regulars.

On Tuesday I tried to do a +19 AD. The DPS messed up the totems until we wiped on the first attempt. On the 2nd attempt they messed them up 2 more times, I just died on purpose and left.

Sometimes people surprise you, at least one of the DPS had 2800 IO. Duno if they were trolling or what. Lol

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Regardless of why they left, it should be treated like rated PvP. Lose rating for leaving the key. Nothing more, and nothing less. Time was already wasted, however, so I do not feel there should be a time penalty in the case of M+.

all this tells me is that you don’t run keys.

after 20, there’s no reason to stay in a key when it’s not going to be timed. most groups mutually disband with a “gg” and that’s it.

actively losing rating in those situations would be absurd.

Additionally, in keys below 20, losing rating because you leave a key? I shouldn’t lose rating because I grouped with someone who sucks, or someone who abused me verbally, or someone who is trolling the group. that would be stupid


If you’re bricking keys on the last boss of Everbloom, it is a healing issue.

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I mean one click glance at my profile shows that you’re wrong lol.

Keys are too forgiving, and PvPers deal with as much verbal abuse, yet it’s fine to lose rating if they leave?

RSS isn’t real PVP anyway.

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MMR is completely different than M+ rating in what it looks at and how it’s used.

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And yeah. It’s not even a bad healing check. But that should be the only thing holding anyone back. And after the 2nd and 3rd bosses, final is a breeze.

Perhaps this whole key system sets players at each other’s throats and we should just replace it with an option at the door that allows players to run whatever they want and just lock out that level for the week. ( if completed) 1 out of 20 plus levels for one dungeon is not going to end the world.

This whole system is needlessly complicated and punishing.

Or we can punish group droppers by hitting auto sort on all their bags…… that will teach em :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I understand that, but the “oh my group is toxic, I need to leave”, is a cop out. If people are that sensitive, then you shouldn’t be doing high end content. You can barely do casual content without toxicity these days. It truly sucks because there are people who would love to learn, but too many bad apples happen to ruin the experience in nearly all aspects of the game.

It stopped being enjoyable, especially if you’re trying to heal. Too punishing for no reason.

Then you should why lowering m+ rating doesnt work.

Because it literally can’t.

There are a variety of reasons I need to leave and not spend 30 mins in a dungeon. One can be toxic people. But that is just one reason.

That’s the point, though. RSS throws you into the mercy of random people who may make the experience awful. Knowing it sucks in one form of content, why port it over to maybe the only constantly active content to potentially ruin it?

Same can be said about pugging 2’s or 3’s and RBGs especially. Pugging in general can be a bad experience, but it can also be a good experience.

You still have as many toxic folk in PvE as you do in PvP. In fact, probably more so due to Blizz’s negligence since PvP has been dying off. Those people will find a new outlet one way or the other.

This is another big issue. What led to M+ being the only constantly active content?

I believe it can be implemented in such a manner. Not expecting anyone to agree with me either. Probably the only real “hot take” I will have about this game.