Punish M+ Leavers

If leaving a key before its depleted or the leader disbanded was trackable it would be a quick solve to those people.

yeah because people are going to be quick to invite someone with a bunch of broken keys listed on them…

OOOOH I see… you are the one leaving keys.

Folks would stop pugging. Problem solved.

No it wouldn’t because it wouldn’t show why the person leaves. Most people leaving keys are 100% justified.

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LOL no they are not. I have never left a key and I have never seen anyone leave a key at random. Its 100% some dbag nerd raging and I get the feeling you are one of those people.

There it is… you are absolutely the one bricking keys because something didn’t go the way you wanted it to. Maybe Pampers is more your style ?

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Yes they are. I’ll say it slowly. People don’t normally leave good keys.

And what key levels do you do?

It’s not random. There is usually a reason. Whether it’s people doing tank level damage, people not using stubs/interupts.

In most scenarios there’s a reason.

Feelings and anecdotal evidence mean nothing.

I don’t rage. I just don’t do carries for free or waste my time in keys that are going to overtime by a large margin because there’s fundamental mistakes being made.

Nice assumption. Lucky for me you’re 100% wrong.

Maybe get a clue considering I’m not the one hiding on an alt with no IO :joy:

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You’d think with all those threads complaining about people leaving, they would be able to pool enough players together. But nope, persists to pug and complain.

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I just got out of a TotT +19. We were on the 2nd boss, which we just barely managed to kill. I did more dmg than the other 2 dps combined, so I politely told them that their dps was too low for a +19 and I left. In a “punish m+ leavers” world, I’d be held hostage in that group.


Can I bubble hearth out of my own key?

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Yeah, why couldn’t you? You can bubble hearth from anywhere.

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people have tried, more than once, to create discords or communities to get people organized for keys.

no one joins.

I legitimately think they just want to complain.


With rio baked in the game, they needed something else to complain about.

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Have several seats, /ignore

That’s a tough one to answer.
Theoretically, you should be “learning” keys with your guild or friends. It’s kinda only fair to pug if you really are confident enough in all dungeons to not be a detriment to the group because you can’t assume that everyone else in the pug group has time to teach others the dungeon.
However, If you can learn quickly and retain knowledge easily so you’re not a detriment to the group youre in, fine. But too many people dont actually take those first two weeks to go into each new dungeon and do it a few times to learn the routes and what works and what doesn’t and thats the problem.

By week 3 and 4, I expect that groups and individual members know what they’re doing Dumb mistakes in keys above 15 when your IO is over 2000? That’s just annoying AF.
And before I get roasted for having too high of expectations? I have plenty of success each week and this isn’t USUALLY a problem. HOwever, usually around week 5 or 6, unless I keep going UP in keys like the rest of my peers (something I hate doing); the…not so good players seem to have caught up by that point and I end up having 4-5 BAD keys in a row for every good key I do in that range (18-20) and it turns into a chore.
The frustrating part is that even then, those people have had multiple weeks to get better but people pull all sorts of shenanigans, including trying to drag in super low item level people into a 16 or higher b/c they’re hoping for a carry (and then dont have the decency to put “carry group” in their group description)

That’s why I only tank when I pug. I can set the pace depending on the abilities of the group.

I do too Aben, but I still get boneheads who get brickwalled by the last boss in Atal Dazar or Everbloom and I end up wasting a bunch of time.

Having to pay for every win with 4-5 “losses” with pug keys each week is just garb. Honestly, it seems to happen more during Tyrannical week which is even more frustrating because then it’s definitely a dps problem not a tanking or healing issue (in most cases)

This is assuming I care enough to be running multiple keys every week, care enough to learn everything inside and out right away like my life depends on it, and can’t be blamed for not having a 4pc cause this week didn’t give me any dream goo. But it is fun learning as I go imo as this is how I approached Torghast and imo it made me a better player for it.

But yeah I don’t usually try to go for what I view as a high key which is 17 and up normally.

And maybe that works for you, I’m not making a character jdugement of you personally by saying this. I’m saying that it’s kinda not fair when people do that with keys that have rewards people actually care about (hero track gear being dropped and myth track gear in the vault) and the 12 crests for timing it.

Too many people not really “learning” in lower keys and then “learning” in the higher keys just seems a bit selfish to me. I was in a 20 and someone made a comment about “oh sorry, I’m still learning paladin.” Like…what?? How you still “learning” your class…in a 20??
My only hope was that they were being sarcastic–esp. given the fact that they weren’t failing at all (it was a healer)

Not gonna be held hostage to someone waiting to unleash the fouler side of the entire english lexicon upon me.



Can confirm as I have one created just for this purpose.

The problem with this is that the things that could kill you don’t. When you’re at the highest end you see what the REAL showstoppers are, dangerous mob casts, and so forth and in seeing that you can do something about it. Even the most well intentioned guides and addons can’t account for everything and competence in pulling off an encounter well. In the end they are merely tools to help you.

In the highest ends of Torghast those boss casts that were laughable before are now getting your adrenaline pumping cause you know you have to do somethign or you’re dead. This is the biggest problem with M+ as the difficulties and dangers are too spread thin.

And this is largely why I recommended in the past a rather intense M+ squish as well. Instead of 15 to 20 levels it could be greatly reduced to 7 to 10 to highlight the mechanics better instead of their intensity being ameliorated in the name of accessibility.

The rewards still need to matter however due to the increase in intensity, but the timers at the lower ends can be adjusted as such. And therefore you have people learning the fights better and the accessibility largely remains.

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