Punching Down?

Am i wrong? Do tell me if my assumption is wrong.

My race isn’t relevant to this discussion.


So im right.

No, it’s just not relevant.


The fact that you’re dodging this hard instead of just answering with yes or no prove that im right.

Because it’s not relevant to the discussion despite what you think… You are literally trying to judge me based on race… :man_facepalming:


Ofc it’s not relevant to you, you never faced oppression.


It’s not relevant for you either. It’s never relevant. Why you want it to be relevant when i never made your race or mine relevant is shocking…

Also, all races face oppression. Whether it be big or small. Hatred is still hatred.

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Ah yes.

“I like to fart in the tub” was truly punching down.

…What utter nonsense.

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Oh wow now you’re telling me that i don’t find my issue relevant for me.

Because it shouldn’t. It has nothing to do with what were talking about…

And here’s were we were last talking about before you tried to judge me based on my race… :point_down:

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You completely ignored the person who said they’re Native American and found the Taurens comforting and inclusive to them.

You can’t sit here and be offended for a race that you don’t represent, sorry. If people are offended, they will complain and talk about it especially here. You don’t get to champion their cause, and they don’t have a cause because “taurens are racist” is entirely false. And the one person who has actually spoken up and stated he/she is Native American said the opposite of what you’re saying.

Do you think people are going to listen to you drumming up false racism claims or the person who is actually of that culture stating that it’s okay and actually makes them feel included in the game.


Thats why they leave Roux in there? they think theyre punching up? LOL what a bunch of winners, im gonna do a little dance when wow implodes

Hold on, where have i’ve said that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :point_up:

Not trying to be a jerk here, i’m pretty sure i didn’t say i’m a Native American.

Which one is this?

Not you, it was another poster. You can look in the thread and find him/her

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Oh, carry on then.

Trissaleaf is the name of the poster who posted earlier and stated he/she finds the culture to be inclusive. And is actually part of that culture.

You are quite frankly creating an issue from absolutely nothing. You do -not- get to speak for people from a culture you aren’t a part of, they will speak for themselves. You do not get to declare something as racist just because it has close ties to a culture you are not a part of. That’s up to those who -are- a part of said culture, it’s their opinion that is needed, not yours.


trissaleaf. she posted twice now


Found them! :point_down: