Punching Down?

The “punching down” thing is straight out of frankfurt school critical (race) theory. So they’re definitely talking about punching up to the one demographic they’re “allowed” to be racist against.

Pretty sad to see adults acting like this. No good will come of it.


It’s not. You are literally the only one who ever complained about this…

Blizzard isn’t making Taurens to be racist towards Native Americans. Just like how Humans aren’t made to be racist towards Europeans.

Plus WoW isn’t the first high fanasty medium to do this with their races. Dwarves being Scottish been a thing since forever… according to this one comment found in Quora

The first dwarf portrayed as having a Scottish accent was in the Poul Anderson novel three hearts and three lions 1961 from a short story from 1953. This predates dungeons and dragons but is listed as a source of reference in the dungeon masters guide appendix N by Gary Gygax.

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Just by looking at your response i already know what your race is IRL.

You will never notice racism because you never dealt with it before.
Try to find a native American friend, ask him to watch Tauren lore and how they always being depicted as the weakest and bullied left and right and ask their opinion about it.

How is that relevant?.. That’s pretty alarming when you’re going straight to my race here mate… Like yikes.

Yeah, let’s assume people’s position on something by their race. That’s not racist. :smiley: /s

Where the hell is this coming from? How we went from ingame racism to real racism?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

He would be an adult and not let it bother him, because he knows it’s just a bunch of pixels.


There you go again assuming BIPOC wouldn’t be offended because you don’t.

I’m sorry, are you trying to say that Native Americans must or have to be offended by the Tauren lore?.. Big yikes mate. :grimacing:

Like, you do know, just because your offended, doesn’t mean they will get offended?.. I wouldn’t never imagine them being very bothered by the lore, and if they bothered, they will walk away from it.

I mean if i’m ever bothered with the Tauren lore, you know what i can do?..

Not play them, or not play the game. :man_shrugging:


I don’t mind punching down on the straight Christian white male minority of this video game.

The fact that you think it’s yikes prove that you live under a rock. Read the following article or educate yourself about cultural appropriation in a video game industry.


So yes, your character design can be racist.

So what? How’s that relevant to what were talking about?.. How’s any of that relevant?..

Like seriously?.. I never tried making your race your basis of where you stand like you did to me because… that’s racist for starters…

Except it’s not. And Cultural Appropriation isn’t even a bad thing…

Were talking about ingame race, not real race…

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You are free to think it’s not, it just mean that you’re stuck in the past.

Said devs apologized, because they noticed the error of their way, and redesign the characters.

Well you’re free to be wrong i guess, it’s not a bad thing as you subjectively think… Especially since a lot of things we use are because of cultural appropriation.

A lot of good games were made, that has taken inspirations from other cultures.

Ironic considering you’re saying cultural appropriation is bad…

Where did they said that? …

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Read the article and you can pretty much trace their twitter from there.

It is bad, are you serious?!

Good thing that I am a rebel.

…Okay, so somebody was offended by something in a game and therefore the dev felt the need to change it, and the problem wasn’t even intended in the first place…

… I still don’t see how this is an issue with Cultural Appropriation.

You keep on saying “It’s bad”… What’s so bad about it? Some game company accidentally made something in bad taste? … Yeah, that happens some times. … That doesn’t mean it’s bad… it just means the individual did it poorly. :man_shrugging:

With that said, you’re acting like i’m with the side of racism here because i choose not to be offended by it or think highly of other people that they have the capacity to not let it bother them because it’s not real racism… I think you’re seeing this situation in a limited black and white situation. :confused:

You know what is bad?.. This… :point_down:


Wasn’t Trump kind of the President of the United States? That’s not really a punch down position, is it?

Why don’t you go dress yourself with Native American attire in your next highschool Halloween and tell me if the entire school doesn’t boo’d you out, and then pretend like you don’t know why.

^ I believe I replied to you somewhere about this and how the Tauren make me feel included


What you mean “Pretend”?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I literally don’t know why it’s bad, and that polygon article just touched upon one game… And all i see is somebody getting offended by something that is done in poor taste. That isn’t even close to being comparable to Taurens…

I really don’t get it… Especially since our culture was built on it. Almost to a point where we kind of depend on it, with that being tech, health and etc…

Speaking of bad… :point_down:


How is it bad? Im just pointing out that you have no clue on what an oppression is, because you never encountered one.

You were assuming the position i take based on what you assume the race i am…

I’ve never done that to you, because like i said… that would be racist to do…

Considering you don’t even know what i am unless i told you and assume i never encountered one unless i told you, i am seriously doubting you have a clue on what oppression is either…