Punching Down?

Also they will be changing “deaths” to “accepting defeat”.

Deaths will be removed from the game, and instead the enemy player or npc will stop attacking, not be attackable and will output some kind of dialogue indicating that they give up, and concede the contest to you.

Graveyards will be replaced cry closets that will allow them to cry about their defeat before returning to either run back, or click a button that you do not need to be consoled which will apply the debuff.


I wish you say this same thing to Baridowhatever name is his.

That goes to anyone and everyone including myself. I’m just responding to you because your claims are frankly ridiculous.

I don’t listen to people who tell me something is racist towards African Americans or Native Americans unless they are a part of that culture. They get to decide that, not some random white man/women trying to be a part of their cause without being a part of their culture.

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Say it to that clown.

Yeah, how dare i assume people to be reasonable if they are bothered… /s :roll_eyes:

Also, just call me Bari.

People like this will be the downfall of the US : ).


You’re just outdated and soon to be replaced.


Make no mistake, i was trying to say if something in a video game does bothers them, they know they can just walk away or not let it bother them even. As of now, i can even see how somebody from that group might be interested in them.

I’l cop to the mistake of putting it in such a crass manner though.

…Well i kinda was… but… :man_shrugging:

He’s not even in this conversation, I’m talking to you specifically. As a matter of fact, you should probably apologize for your viewpoints because they’re not coming from a good place and are wrong. I know it’s hard to admit being wrong but someone from Native American culture even spoke up and stated they feel included with taurens in the game.

Again, why is someone not a part of that culture even trying to make changes in the name of that culture? That’s insane to me. Some random white women/man does not get to decide what native Americans find offensive.

@Bari sorry I know you’re in the conversation, I’m just trying to prevent this poster from deflecting his/her issues onto you by constantly bringing you up. It’s a little weird


Why would i walk away from an issue that i need and should solve, the amount of racist and misogynists in this game would cheer if no one stand against them.

Why don’t you just walk away if you don’t like my complain? How about that?

Im not apologizing to racist or people that try to keep the game to fit their old view.

They’re losing and they know it.

Oh no, don’t worry, i get that alot from here…

What i didn’t expect was this… :point_down:

Major yikes still. :grimacing:

…We weren’t talking about Misogyny… :man_facepalming:

That’s not even comparable to what i’ve just said… :man_facepalming:


Wait what? Lol, you don’t get to pretend your doing something noble here and “standing up for people”.

You aren’t, at all. Your trying to create claims of racism from a culture you aren’t a part of. You even skipped over a poster from said culture and stated they found inclusion from the tauren, whereas your fighting to have them changed. That shows me and everyone else that you have no idea what your talking about, and trying to “stand up and fight” against racism towards a culture you aren’t a part of is very ignorant. You do not get to decide what a culture finds racist, that’s up to them. Not you. If a Native American tells me that this is okay and is not racist, then that’s what I’m going to listen to. Not some random person claiming to “fight” for these cultures they have nothing to do with.


Who are you to tell me what i stand for again? Don’t answer i already know who you are.

Okay so your trolling, got it. I’ll just report and move on


Just go away. You’re irrelevant.

Either that, or they are very hateful (and hypocritical) and the very thing they fought against. Kind of reminds me of a certain somebody. :thinking:

Hatred breeds hatred.


Now you’re upset as well, that’s unfortunate! Insults is what people resort to when they’ve lost, so I’m glad your at that point at least!


I think of it this way:
People are saying make things optional, make things ignorable, and whatnot.

In my native language, there is a common saying the illustrates it beautifully:

“This is egotistic like farting alone inside close doors for only you smelling it”.

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