Punching Down?

And yet they have, and are, adding stuff.

Emotes Readded with Patch 9.1.5 Build 40496 - Wowhead News

personally, i can meld right into a censored environment because i like friendly social games and not looking for a significant other, but i am not a fan of forcing censorship on people who want the game to seem more like a survival of the fittest contest (since technically, its a war game) and who are still looking for relationships.

That’s just re-adding skimmed emotes, that’s nothing new, I’m talking about new jokes and flirts to replace the old ones…

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Oh for godsake. Its not censorship! Its editing! And nobody is forcing you to do anything. If you want to spit on someone you can use your keyboard and type “Lilock spits on Reull”. You have that feedom.

And if not being able to use a spit emote stops you from looking for relationships, I dunno what to say.

There are a lot of people on this forum with an overblown sense of whats important. The game being good is important, things being taken out that may very well carry connotations from previous problems for employees is important, childish on-the-toilet-wall humour is vastly unimportant.

i dont wanna and you cant force me too. hehe!

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Eh well, my interest in this whole issue of emotes is minimal. Emotes were just a shortcut and can still be used manually. They may very well add new jokes. Me personally, Id be more interested to see them working new stuff, as it were, content. But I guess for many having their character able to say something silly is more important.

You should definitely listen to yourself and re-read what you just said again.

…and again.

…and again.

…and again.

Then keep reading it until you grow a thicker skin.


Well, sometimes you need to repeat yourself because people didnt comprehend your meaning in the first few times.

You never grow thicker skin, dont you have a basic grasp of human physiology? You just become desensitized until you can walk through foul and not notice it rubbing off on you.

I remember when the game was consistently good and it hasn’t been that in years. It’s had some quirky patches that were alright AFTER several months of waiting and then getting hotfixes to be somewhat enjoyable. We waited a whole year to get one small, teeny, weeny zone that is a grindfest for MAU’s and a very mediocre raid. I’m still waiting for content…

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i always keep my chat tab off of trade. lol that place will grow whiskers on your earlobes…err eyes. i dont apprecate most of the humor, but i appreciate people’s right to be silly/etc. like mr. will smith…

I dunno, WoW has never been a perfect game. I remember playing in Wrath, the expansion many see as the pinnacle of the game. It certainly had the best story and main protagonist, but was severely lacking in QoL stuff. Standing around in Lagaran for hours trying to put raid groups together and having it fall apart and starting all over again is not among my favorite memories.

Every expansion has had good points and bad ones. Even the much maligned WoD (which had some nice dungeons and raids). Would be good if they could cherrypick the best of the past (and the best of other games, for things like housing) and adjust or remove the worst of the bad, give us a great story, a great immersive, interesting villain and somewhere to adventure in and have fun.

Not so much to ask, eh? :face_with_monocle:

It is racist if you depict them the way they depict Tauren in this game, being colonized left and right.

Some of the funnest, silliest conversations Ive ever had in the game have been in Trade chat. Admittedly, not for a while, morale ingame is not great right now…

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I’ll colonize you, you keep talking about it so much! :open_mouth:


Asking me to be silent is what the bullies want, i’d do the opposite.

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It’s not about the jokes themselves ever. it’s about the room and the trust in that room.

People who trust one another can say and do awful things and know that in the end everything is good. That’s how bro culture works. However when you insert a power structure and money into that formula it becomes highly toxic. Bro culture is not bad…until you add money and a power structure. Bro culture does not belong in the workplace, It only belongs among equal consenting people.

The room, well that’s also a trust thing. Hearing a dirty joke at a nursery is never the same as hearing that dirty joke at a comedy club. One is good, the other is bad. Same joke believe it or not.

What is wrong here is that the Devs have lost trust in the room (wow) because they know how it was formed. And they are attempting to correct it in front of players who did not loose their trust and those that did. Thus the debate.

A simple toggle may have been more effective in this case. That would give the player more power over the room in which they play without taking that same power away from others.


Yeah, I don’t know why they just don’t use the best qualities of each expansion and merge them it can’t be that hard. Trade chat used to be funny and weird now it’s bots for boosting communities, which is sad asf. Groups falling apart was kind of fun, you still got to make good friends with people and eventually build a solid network of friends, at least I did usually.

I have Asian ancestry and I am not at all offended by the pandaren in WoW.

But then again I am okay with most racial humor.

The fact that these jokes exist is not offensive to me
Itʻs when the “jokes” are used to attack a person or group that it becomes a unacceptable thing to me.

A knife is not a bad thing. Knives are very useful.
A knife in the hands of a murderer is what makes it a bad thing.


Just toss a cat on a waterbed and all is fun again.