Punching Down?

Hooves…she is talking about her hooves as she does with a couple other jokes

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wouldnt know if it were since it took until all the agent orange supporters were dead before anybody admitted the vietnam vets who suffered from its effects were not just suffering from a mental disorder. let me remind you, the tuskegee experiment ran until 1972. i can go on.


I mean as soon as the powerful/wealth/privilege get hit as hard as any minority then sure we can talk. But as it is right now, if your white, comfortably middle class and a man(or a combination of any of those) you already don’t get “hit” by life in general.

You are either uneducated and refuse to learn, lack critical thinking skills, brainwashed by the Qanon/conspiracy theory crowds, or just crazy

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One potential concern about COVID-19 vaccines is an unusual phenomenon called vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease, or VAERD. VAERD can occur when a vaccine induces an immune response that causes the disease the vaccine is supposed to protect against to be more severe if you’re exposed to the virus. However, the team found no evidence of VAERD among those who received mRNA-1273.



lol - you go on - I hope you don’t like to eat though because good luck getting a job by the time this thing is done.

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i havent been able to work since i contracted gulf war syndrome from a family member. so much for safe vaccines.

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oh they are a year behind, guess that’s why they think it is still experimental

that had mental health side effects right?

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sure did. put me in a coma. i now have short term memory issues.

This really is a new low for Blizzard just when I thought they couldn’t get lower. How thin skin do you have to be to get offended at these jokes and flirts? It’s a fantasy world it’s allowed to be quirky and rude and maybe slightly off-putting just like the real world. It’s the World of WARCRAFT, my god, stop self-projecting yourselves onto it, that’s how we have Nathanos “Foot-fetish” Blightcaller as an NPC. Just leave stuff alone that has already been established in-game and has been there, like taking out old blizzard employees is fine but removing harmless (sticks and stones) jokes and flirts is some very top-tier SJW pandering for literally no reason.


they never said anyone was offended - OP made that up all by himself.

oh i get it. you’re suggesting i’m not sane, this is why i dont want gov endorsed vaccines. whatever could cause that. mayhaps waking up from a vaccine related coma to find their official health insurance guy at the foot of my bed trying to convince my husband to allow the doctors to turn off the machines that kept my body alive when my brain had stopped supplying motor nerve functions.

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What about the oppressed people in Africa? Asia? The middle east? The people in power in those areas of the world, they’re not all white.

And were not talking about the ticklish oppression we get in western democracies, we’re talking armies of child soldiers, concentration camps for Uyghurs, sex slavery and all manner of oppression with the crown jewel being North Korea.

So, it might not be about identity. If it was, most of the hard core oppression in the world isn’t coming from white males.

It’s about abuse of power and all races and genders are equally susceptible to abusing power.

And if you think not being a white male makes you immune, that’s more a religious belief than any sort of fact.


Let us remember how ‘humour’ is frequently used as a weapon to hurt - for example, the “you’re so fat” jokes or the racial jokes or the huge range of other stuff that the speaker sees as funny but so very obviously isnt at all funny to the person being targetted. John Cleese, in this instance, is dead wrong. All comedy is not critical - some of it is, and some of it is abusive. And the old ‘you’re just thin skinned’ stopped being a defense a looong time ago. Words CAN and frequently do hurt when they target the mind.

I’ve read a bunch of tweets from devs at Blizzard speaking in support of changes being made and who then get abused for speaking up. This community frequently suffers from a severe lack of empathy.

I notified the armed forces in the military that a few active duty combat troops are proud communists.


The only reason they are in support of them is because they were the ones that wanted them, most of the player base is against changes especially when Blizzard won’t add anything new to replace them.

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Hence, why there is a “comfortably middle class” there, meaning anyone middle class and up is privilaged. It is implied the richer you are the more privilaged you are.

Can be susceptible is not the same as actually being power and having abused it. In this case, like it or not, white male(and I’m talking western setting here) do have a good chunk of power. Similarly men in most nation do.

Ha ha great joke