Punching Down?

There is no christianity in WoW.

Though there are male human paladins.

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Jokes that punch down can be funny. I’ve always found the funniest comedians are the ones that don’t worry about that stuff. They just worry about being funny.


p.s. just so you know, i caught it from someone else who was a carrier, and it put me in a coma on full life support, but not before it drove me slowly insane from infection in my brain. there is nothing worse than that. i’ve had breach baby birth, turned manually during contractions without pain medicine, a breast cut off, lymph nodes removed and a mass of stitches across my chest and none of it was as bad as going slowly insane. as a result, i have great empathy for people with mental/emotional problems. its the most excruiating thing a person can experience, which is why people have been known to suicide to get away from it.


Actually, the homogenized joke is about milk. Get it? Tauren, milk, cow. mooo? Someone saying they’re not gay is the vehicle the joke rides in on and there’s nothing wrong with saying you’re not gay.


I don’t know what you’re talking about. Vaccines are good, people against them are crazy.

vaccines can be good, and in many cases are good, but in instances where they arent all sunshine and rainbows, the people negatively effected are not gonna be all gunho to take any more and you can see why. i know the person who infected me, became a carrier - et. al, his immunities fought it off. but mine didnt. he’s not interested in taking another experimental vaccine and potentially killing his family. and expecting him to, under the circumstances, is not wise.


So what you’re saying is anti-vaxxers are crazy, got it.


the people deployed to desert shield/desert storm, were given experimental vaccines. were you aware of this?

Wish I could like your post twice, imagine finding something in a game offensive. Ironic thing is people are actively now looking for something to get offended about. Blizzard might as well just take out all emotes and jokes.


Are you aware this isn’t the same, at all.


What in-game characters/races/etc were being singled out in Azeroth? It sounds like you’re just trying to supplant your perceived outrage into this.


Man that is some next level stretching.
Also are you a white character with cornrows? That’s a little racist don’t you think?


experimental gov issued vaccine vs. experimental gov issued vaccine
seems similar

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My, we’ve gone down the rabbit hole.

Which government made which vaccine? Pfizer, Moderna, j&j. Which countries did they govern?

the cdc write up

explanation of the infectious agent

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you realize over 6 billion people have been vaccinated and there hasn’t been major issues right? these vaccines we are using in NA are no longer ‘experimental’.

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that seems unlikely since people with compromised immune systems die from all manner of things meant to effect their immune system, including diseases and medicines that tamper with their immunities. people are not an one size fits all. what might be fine for you, might not be fine for someone else. can hardly believe this has to be explained.


6 BILLION people - it is not experimental


But go ahead and leave the n*pple joke in for the female Draenei?

" Yes they are real. And yes, they will cut glass."