Punching Down?

If you go by this logic then the entire Game of Thrones franchise is somehow racist if you decide to morph the people of Mereen (spelling?) into “salves” who are black. (racist)

Females being hores (forum censored) basically, which is why the Aria storyline was interesting because she wasn’t like “the other girls”. (sexist)

This stuff is all over the place. This is a video game. I highly doubt someone sat at their desk and created Tauren while thinking, “I hate Native Americans so lets keep them in colonies by the hand of half human/half horses.”

I just find it ridiculous. I’m not saying your conclusions are wrong, but the motive to get there isn’t as malicious as you might think I’m sure.


I’ve got nipples, can you milk me greg?

“-Tauren female flaunting their milk, or every writing in the game about Tauren female usually mention their milk (sexist)”

I don’t buy this. Humor is subjective. Guess Lisa Lampenelli cant make jokes about being intimate with 4 black gentlemen at once? What do we tell women who find these funny and make jokes that dont line up with this?


except when you realize some are anti-vax because of prior experimental vaccines, used on a captive audience, that turned out to be really bad.


What’s your point? Theres no reason to be anti-vax.

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I wish I could be this naïve. I feel like things would be a lot easier.

You really can’t think of one incident in history huh?


well, ever hear about the experimental japanese tick born encephalitis vaccine given to desert shield/desert storm people? apparently, some batches were still live.


I’m very aware of Americas history. Every single child is made to be vaxxed before school, so again whats your point? Are all 300 Million us residents just experiments?

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The more I think about this, “Punching Down” is an extremely dangerous concept. It looks like it’s moral and ethical, but really, implicit in what it’s saying is it’s OK to punch up with no moral or ethical constraints. With no fear of reprisal.

Convince people they’ve been oppressed ( By say International Jewry or the bourgeois ) And then tell them it’s OK to punch up.

This is not the language of inclusion. This language is the first small step for a person of conscience to wake up one day and say “My God, what have I done?”


Well there’s certainly reason to be cautious on a new one that was only approved for “emergency use”.

Also being cautious of this one doesn’t mean generally anti-vaccine. That’s just an exaggeration.


I understand that line of thinking but its an unprecedented event. Covids real. Its not made up and it has really bad effects if you catch it. Aside from dying you get all these other fun issues like lung damage. Now im not here to argue about covid death #s but i will mention 700k have died in the US alone.

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you going to godwin the thread too?

I agree it’s real. I’ve had it, wife has had it.

I’m not really interested in debating COVID itself, more just addressing the fact that being cautious of this vaccine seems pretty understandable.


If the tactics fit.

The tactics fit.

And I’ll add to show this may not be too far off the mark, this is from a peer reviewed academic journal in the humanities were concepts like “punching up” are coming from.


In October 2018, it was revealed that the journal had accepted for publication a hoax article entitled “Our Struggle Is My Struggle: Solidarity Feminism as an Intersectional Reply to Neoliberal and Choice Feminism.” It was later reported that the manuscript included plagiarized sections from Chapter 12 of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, in which Hitler describes why the N*** party is needed and what it requires of its members. The authors replaced Hitler’s references to “National Socialism” with “feminism” and “Jews” with “privilege”. The submission of the paper was an attempt to show the lack of rigor in some fields of academia, so-called “grievance studies”, by demonstrating that absurdities and morally fashionable political ideas could get published as legitimate academic research in the field.


some of those people, survived. they ain’t touching another vaccine with a ten ft pole. let me give you an example of what happens:

first, your brain begins to swell as the infection demyleinates the motor nerves and they short circuit like 2 live wires touching. your brain chemistry goes off kilter and your pituitary gland starts misfiring necessary hormones, causing your libido to malfunction. you begin to hear and see things that aren’t there and develop an excruiating headache that no medicine can assuage. and it all ends with slowly creeping insanity and blindness, before your brain shuts down all your motor functions.

and its contagious, spread by body fluids.

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Wow. I wonder if there is a reason why they are horde?

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low standards, huh?


Which is nothing like vaccines used worldwide to stop covid 19.

Hi I’m part Native American and the artwork, lore, appearance, and more are one reason I have always felt drawn to Tauren. When the Wow Team begins to strip things away that people, like me, can identify with, suddenly there’s less reason to play the game or less reasons on why people want to play the game.


if any contain functioning virus, some vaxxed will be spreaders, as that is exactly what happened with the japanese tick borne encephalitis vaccine. worse yet, it was hard to track because the infectious agent had no cell wall of its own and could disguise itself once in the cell. specific and normally unused blood tests were required to diagnose it so even if you were sick from it, most doctors werent able to find it. and it was spread into the population at large via kissing, sex, sharing food/water, so entire families were getting infected, many of them dying from a mysterious disease that mimicked encephalitis, but no virus or bacteria could be isolated to explain it.


What worries me is they seem happy to leave her in.