Punching Down?

I’m punching sideways.

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I originally named this character Lugnuts, since he was an engineer. They made me change it.


Lest we (you) forget.

You really take issue with this? If you do then I guess you’ll have to take issue with every Viking prototype in a plethora of games. Or you’ll have to classify movies like “black panther” as racist SIMPLY because African Americans are depicted wearing… African tribal attire? Please gtfo now.

Personally, as a Native American myself, I’ve always and only appreciated the representation of Tauren in Warcraft.


To quote Dave Chappelle…F Twitter


I miss the days where literature could make references to observable things in real life without somebody getting offended by the reference.

There’s no need to take references personally, and certainly no need to take it personally on behave of someone else. Just because the reference exists doesn’t mean that its an accurate description of 100% of people who can relate to at least 1% of the reference’s portrayal.

Something about the American culture has become conditioned to find offense with everything. And no, there’s no need to lump “taking offense” in with actual concerns for physical safety and harassment.


People have difficulty separating reality and fantasy in the current era.


that story at the end of his special was sad

I recall a comedian once said that they tried to be politically correct and avoided jokes regarding the current audience so as to not be offensive. after a while he got comments from his audience telling him that its actually more offensive to omit them because they want to be included in the punchlines and such. they want to hear them too.

so in an sense, its better to have an even balance in the jokes than to try to remove one set from the equation.

What I think a lot of people don’t get about ‘not punching down’ is that often times the joke is on the comedian telling the joke. Sometimes part of the joke is playing the part of an ignorant and morally reprehensible person, eliciting a laugh from the audience at how absurd it is. Absurdity is comedy.

There are definitely people who are mean spirited with some jokes and take them too far, or use them too often ad nauseam. But often times it’s funny to laugh at a comedian who makes themselves the butt of the joke. So ‘not punching down’ means you take yourself too seriously to satirize the negative aspects of culture.

Same here! When I first started playing wow years ago, I was afraid of the Horde because of how fearsome Orcs seemed to me. I really wanted to explore the Horde side of the game and when I saw the Tauren, I felt at home and like I found a place to fit in. As part Native American, they have always made me smile and being in Thunderbluff is truly peaceful and comforting for me.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself…. Let us ignore anyone and everyone who confuses “plight” with “fight”

“The truest sign of intelligence is the ability to entertain two contradictory ideas simultaneously” -F. Scott Fitzgerld, 1936

We’ve lost that ability. We go straight to emotional reaction when we encounter something that strays from the prescribed narrative. This is only compounded by our hysteria fueling media. Clicks > People

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As they sanitize wow loses more and more subs. A fresh coat of paint on this broken car will fix it.

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I don’t see how they can call this a x.5 patch. There’s virtually no content in it.

The point isn’t what’s said. It’s what someone can imagine it to be. We’ve gone from policing imaginary lines to policing imaginings. You’re now responsible on how people hear things, not how or what’s said.

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That’s why it’s a .5 patch

Major patches, such as Patch 7.1, 8.1, 9.1 etc, include large pieces of content. A new raid, a new dungeon, new zones etc. On the flip side, .5 patches like 7.1.5 and 8.1.5 rarely contain new content, but more often than not focus on changes that can’t be hotfixed in.

Take 7.1.5 as a great example, it’s major features included:

  • Mists of Pandaria Timewalking
  • The return of the Brawler’s Guild
  • Micro-holidays that would appear later in the year.

On top of that there were class changes to balance the game out, some minor changes to artifacts, minor profession changes etc.

Now let’s look at 9.1.5

  • Legion Timewalking (which includes M+ which is a first, as that was the expansion that M+ was added to the game)
  • The return of the Mage Tower (During Legion Timewalking)
  • Expanded customization options for 4 allied races.
  • The removal of the hard AoE cap.
  • Major changes to covenants, including the scrapping of conduit energy and the elimination of swapping restrictions.
  • Solo Island Expeditions and much smaller queue requirements for Warfronts.

The list is honestly quite extensive, and obviously there are also a lot of class changes in there to balance things out.

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Subs aren’t really everything you know? If they lose 1000 subs to make the game more inclusive that’s still a win in my book.

What does punching down even mean? Like punching someone when they are on the ground?

i highly doubt it’s just 1000 they’ve lost since 9.0 and it’s due to ignoring feedback… not due to “inclusion” WoW has many races but i guess some jokes (looks at recent trash with netflix) hurt some people.

It is like when a taller person punches a shorter person.