Punching Down?

You’re right, it’s way less than 1000.

The opposite of punching down is apparently to craft a joke that helps people feel better instead of worse. I’m not sure exactly how you do that, but it’s not about demographics, like, at all.

Sounds exactly like the last one. Why do you all think we worship biden like you worship trump? They’re both awful, but trump had to go. It’s like climbing stairs, sometimes you have to take them one at a time.

Punching Down
To make jokes at the expense of a person or group that is in a position of social, political, or economic weakness relative to oneself.

So let’s say you get up on stage to tell some jokes, and you start making jokes about the LGBT community, specifically homosexual men. They still face a great deal of challenges compared to your average individual, so you’re essentially ‘punching down’ on that group.

Whereas if you say, made a joke about a national leader, like say, the President of the United States. That would be considered ‘Punching Up’ as that individual is far above you.

When it comes to humour, it’s very subjective, but generally speaking folks will lean towards comedians that punch up, rather than those that punch down. The important thing to remember when it comes to punching down is that it’s relative to oneself. So, let’s say I, an average white bloke, decide to make some jokes about black people. Depending on the joke, that could be racist, but regardless of whether the joke is racist or not, I’d be punching down, because generally speaking, black individuals have less social, political and economic power compared to your average white guy.

But if on the other hand I was black and I was making jokes about black people, well those jokes may still be racist (depending on the joke) but I would not be punching down when I made the joke, because I’m in the same boat they are. I’d only be punching down if say, I added something onto that, like making jokes about black homeless people. Because if I’m not also homeless, they’re in a weaker position than I am, so I’ve punched down.

Cult of Personality isn’t a universal. I wish more people understood that.

I like your optimism. Looking at the servers though tells a different story.

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‘punching down’ is when certain groups claim to want to be treated as equals to the rest of statistical society, yet still cling to the “im a minority group and should be treated with special exceptions!” and see any joke involving their demographic as being hate speech
like feminists that still expects a man to hold a door open for them. because, ya know, *equality

The thing is, we haven’t achieved equality or equity yet, and there are still certain demographic that still hold that generational wealth that leads to power & advantages in todays society.

This is more the legal dept flagging things that could be problematic then some rogue sjw dev.

Could not have been better summed up

My server is very packed right now, so idk what are you trying to say here.

Yes we have, just stop! As an hispanic this country has embraced me and the majority of people are great, stop trying to speak for minorities.