Punching Down?

THat isn’t racist or a sexual innuendo that is pretty much any guy that has jumped into cold water .

:swimming_man: :cold_face: AHHH SHRINKAGE


You have to remember for every 1 thing Carhagen finds to be a problem with Blizz and the game , there are another 5 to 10 things he will Bandwagon for them . THis is just one of those Bandwagon things .


WOW’s entire foundation is based on racism. Humans vs orcs. I guess some people didn’t get the memo.


No and I never claimed they were, or, gasp! even mentioned my friends. But hey thanks for stopping by and playing!

ah but in order to make the statement as to the quality of the dwarf and his friends, you must have something to compare it to. if not you and your friends, then who? you’ll understand this shortly

I don’t.

Right… let me know when that mass exodus of tauren players happens over it.


Wow you really didn’t follow the conversation at all. I mean I have zero respect for that other guy but at least he could string somewhat of an argument together. You just aren’t worth another thought.

awww but i’m nice, attentive to the person i’m talking to and willing to take correction provided i understand what i’ve done that has dissatisfied you. i’ll go back and read it again. brb.

k i’m back. as far as i can tell, the question is still valid? you also said “normal people,” in another part of your commentary. i dont think there’s such a thing as normal. hehe. there’s just communities that vaguely adhere to shared values. emphasis on vaguely.

But he’s just one of the many people affected by these types of ‘jokes’.
Hey, the person the above line is alluding to, ‘milk boy’ if he is even real, is in a WONDERFUL position to sue the TEATS off the milk company that put him out to pasture due to harassment that he was too HOMOgenized!
Jokes are supposed to affect us. What would you bet that there is a Tauren player in/world named “Hormo”, or as close to it as the game will allow? And did they pick the name because of the joke, and are they now bereft?
I do what I do in the game because of the things I find in the game, when those things get changed, removed, it makes my past behavior questionable, my present, suspect.
This bothers me much more than a bad joke.

I’ve seen comedians like Rogan talk about the whole “punching down” thing and I think they used a Sam Kinison joke to disprove the point. It went something like “How come there are starving people in africa? Move them where the damned food is!” I’m sure I butchered it in the delivery but it was funny even though the majority of people, who may very well even genuinely laugh, will still be going in the back of their mind “Sorry Sam I wish that was how it worked.”

I kind of like it occasionally when comedy “punches down.” You couldn’t have satire without at least a bit of it. I mean, no one is perfect so therefore everyone is likely deserving of some ridicule. Right? In the era of ultra self cereal-ness that may be one of the things that gets lost.


It wouldn’t be comedy if they weren’t offending someone.


I hope the likes of Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, and John Oliver can finally achieve their dreams one day of becoming comedians.



Glass houses.


So it is sexist now that women do actually make milk? Don’t visit thunder totem then. There is an NPC there who sells “homemade” dairy products.


We’re dealing with the era of twitter. Believing oneself to be disenfranchised, and then using that as a pedestal to shout loud enough to garner attention is the entire point.

There is no end to this particular exercise. None at all. When this game is run into the ground and forgotten, the carnival barkers will simply move onto the next perceived outrage.


Nah the OP is right about all the groups they cited. You’re right about the problem with targeting men.

As for the religion part… he only said Christian. And I’ve heard numerous people, Christian and non-Christian alike, call out this double standard in media where only Christianity is fair game for mockery and targeting among real-life religions. Even Richard Dawkins has called out this double standard, which seems to be an elephant in the room, especially in Western media and society.

Yes, I’m not making this up, that Richard Dawkins. When a man who helped build a social movement and career around attacking religion says that a religion is being unfairly targeted, you know it’s gone too far.


Yea either everything is fair game or none is. Not religious personally but I would treat all religions the same. Same goes for gender and race and orientation. Anything less is an ist of some sort


i got told that im not a fan, that im an addict, need to buy a phone, and need to go outside, also that im a bigot.
being called a bigot by someone that goes to each of these threads to call people names… :thinking: