Punching Down?

This is a most typically intelligent response from you.


This whole concept of punching ‘down’ sounds so racist and demeaning.
One or both parties HAVE to see one of the two of them as higher…elevated…over the other in order for either of them to be punching down.
Just another PC concept, no doubt, but each of them that comes out of this ideology keeps escalating the disgusting cringe factor.


Am I then allowed to engage with polite society?
You’re digging youself a bigger hole here.

Again, you don’t get to set the standard by how other people live and with whom they are allowed to engaged with. There’s a little thing called the 1st Amendment. It includes the freedom of association as well as speech.

You get exactly zero input in the parameters of how I relate to others.

The difference is, I am the kid on the beach making sand castles. He’s got no clue how to make one, but insists that mine isn’t up to code. What’s worse, is he’s trying to enlist others to have my sand castle taken down.
Everyone’s welcome on the beach and allowed to build however they like.

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More of the same. Sad. Let’s try this a different way. Please by all me and show me where I have said you can’t so I can then show you all of the times when I literally said the exact opposite

In your private life, again, sure. Things work differently in public spaces.

Show me where I’ve said anything about who you can and can’t associate with.

And just to drive the point home, you’re wrong when it comes to public spaces. If you can’t accept that simple fact then you have no clue how a democratic society works.

Talk about hitting the nail on the head

You are setting yourself as the arbiter of which behaviors I am allowed to display in public and in private. Ego much?

Really where? Quote me

And now you can’t even read the quote I posted in my reply.
You tolerate my private behavior so long as I keep it out of public. I act the same way in both with no problem. I respect people in all that I do, which translates to all cultures.

I couldn’t give a whit what you think about how I conduct myself. You can outline specific behaviors permitted in one space or another. I could care less.

I recommend you get a job. You aren’t suited for this. Try and produce something of value for your fellow man. Dissecting your neighbors offers no benefit to society.

If you’ll excuse me, I have to commit senseless acts of violence on insensitively named avatars for digital pellets.

Again, if you don’t know how society functions that’s a civics and you issue. Public and private spaces and what’s tolerated in each is and has always been very different.

Since you seem to think it’s ok to make jokes at other people’s expense, I beg to differ but at least I’m capable of recognizing that as nothing more than my personal opinion.

So you’ve officially sank all the way to the bottom resorting to personal attacks. Where’s that

that you so insist on? Guess that road wasn’t as high as you wanted to make it out to be…

It is okay to make jokes at others’ expense. You think that is violating civics? LOL. There are no laws against it. In fact, there are laws protecting it.

People make jokes all the time. You must be on medication to get through the day, knowing such insensitivity exists in the world. Let it go. Humor isn’t insidious. It’s what people use to cope with stress. It’s not something that needs to be regulated or curtailed. We need more of it.

So, implying that my behavior isn’t suited outside my front door isn’t in any way personal?

I must really have gotten under your skin. You double quoted my other comment in the same reply. I think that’s like a double-negative, so I don’t get to reply to it. The rules are getting a little fuzzy here.

If they agree that it’s ok. Otherwise, no I disagree.

No, I don’t. Reading comprehension better.

Not at all as it applies to everyone, not just you.

It was relevant twice. Another pivot ftw though right? Don’t address the comments that I made, just try to make some pathetic joke about quoting something twice.

“youmadbro”? Really? Pathetic is beginning to not even do your responses justice

It’s funnier when they don’t agree

‘battlestar galactica reference, your name it is?’ - baby yoda’s kin

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i feel like a game with any sort of violence such as this should have some vulgarity. take ff14 for example you do NOT have to go far into the game to understand that it has a lot of vulgarity s3xual wise it isn’t always suggested but you know it is that. thus they can say oh that isn’t their intentions just your imagination but logically it makes sense. when i say there is a lot i mean there is a LOT

“Comedy is how we freely discuss that which cant be discussed rationally.”
And punching down would imply the one being hit doesnt have a choice but to take it, which doesnt really apply here. Id say they are clearing the brush before the spark that may not happen.


imagine growing up and you try wow and suddenly have your life’s goals realized:
“i am going to learn how to make games so i can get a job a blizzard so i can edit this game to save everyone who is offended! /pat /pat /pat”
these people need a hobby as they obviously dont play to game to know firsthand how half-assed it’s been for years.
same for the people who are suddenly on board because it gets them good guy points for being on Team Wokecraft :
perhaps some sort of a carreer in gymnastics would be a good fit, what with all the mental acrobatics that it takes to actually believe the junk


When you go out and intentionally look for something the chances are you’ll find it.


There’s nothing homophobic about that. God, people these days…


That dude is a closet racist, I wouldn’t even bother with him. In order to even consider that gnome joke racist, you have to hard stereotype Black people.


odd how the word homogenized is such a hurtful word…yet at the same time the people who cheer at it’s removal are calling for everyone everywhere to be just that, homogenized. just one big lump of PC genericness