Punching Down?

Or you know, they’re just harmless jokes that for years most players saw the humor in. I can’t imagine going through life being so sensitive and offended by so many things.


And when I was younger I too saw humour in racist jokes, sexist jokes, dark humour etc.

Then I grew up and realized it wasn’t funny.

Blizzard has decided to make this game as inclusive as it can be. They think that these jokes are a problem, and quite frankly, they are. So I’m not going to miss them.

They’re harmless for you, the bullies.

it was the opposite for me. i was easily hurt by people’s insensitivity, crassness and vulgarity. then i grew up. :innocent:


I’m not a bully. I despise them. Your personal feelings and perspective towards something are not reality. You live in a world of diverse cultures, beliefs and perspectives. You’re going to be offended by many things throughout your life that to others is not offensive. By your logic I can say you’re a bully for calling me a bully, but I’m not that sensitive.

Yea its not being inclusive for me or for many of the players who started playing the game in a time when very few if any people thought any of these things were offensive, and still don’t. The jokes/flirts were funny then and they’re funny now.


“Im not a bully” - The bully.

-the bully


Oh hey grandma.

And there you go again, using your feelings and personal perspectives of something to label me something I’m not. Gosh I wish you’d stop being a bully to me. :frowning:


Then clearly you need to re-evaluate your stance. That’s really all that needs to be said.

When your brand of ‘inclusivity’ requires other people/cultures/sexualities to become victims so you can have a chuckle, that says something about you and it’s not a good thing.

well technically i’m not a grandma yet.

see how i handled that? hehe. solution is not to inspire anger by accusation and if you offend, take your correction graciously. i took my correction graciously. you called me grandma as payment for offending you. and rather than recompense tit for tat, i said, yeah i deserved it because 1) its at least partially true and 2) i stepped in it. situation diffused.

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I’ll ignore the rest of your post because it’s mostly dumb as all hell but this one I’ll comment on.

Like, you do realize it’s actually MORE racist to assume that this is racist, right? What, do you think all Black people talk like this or something? Or that only Black people say things like this?

You are literally sterotyping in order to claim it’s racist.


You mean think like you? No thanks. You’re not really making an argument for inclusivity by excluding people who don’t find these jokes/flirts offensive. You’re trying to make an argument as to why you think they are in a way that anyone who disagrees with you is just a bully. Sorry, but thats not reality.

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I’m sorry you lost your sense of humor :frowning:


there is no such thing as punching down if you view everyone as equal, so i guess blizz is just letting their prejudices show.


I’d be more upset if someone said this to me tbh :laughing:

“I don’t mean to punch down”

Oh so I’m beneath you? That’s cool.


That’s like saying you’re not being tolerant by excluding the intolerant.

Sorry, but if you’re the type of person that thinks punching down on others is funny, you’re not someone I want to associate with.


not the most eloquent of solutions but it’ll do. wargame ended.

You’re trying to label me based on your perspective of reality. Sorry but the world doesn’t revolve around you or your way of thinking. If you only want to associate with like minded people then go for it, but you’re not being very inclusive if you do that. :slight_smile: