Punching Down?

0/10 still.


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Repeating the same thing, -1/10 now.

Cool, man it’s too easy to get a response out of you. What is it you idiots are always saying? Triggered?


Don’t punch down! Punch out and punch up!


-2/10 now.

other people having similar toxic mindsets doesnt mean they are right when reinforcing one another… it just means they are toxic at a collective level

This is a work already in progress.

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That is true. If they replaced them with fully-voiced new ones, I’d come back. Nothing would be as funny to me as the “two tents” one, though.

It seems the only ones that are “Punching Down” are the one with the loudest of voices…That doesn’t necessarily make their position right though…

If you want equality, then punches are made straight forward.

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While ironically the whole game is centered around the glorification of physical violence and murder. But yes lets turn pictures into bowls of fruit and remove jokes and flirts because they may be considered to risque for adults.


If you’re leaving can i have your gold?

Sure. Going to focus only on the lines that punch down though.

  • So I went to this troll spa the other day and I wound up with dreadlocks and a frigging bone in my nose! I mean come on! Who PAYS for that? (Racism)
  • Homogenized? No way, I like the ladies. (Homophobia)
  • I’ve got a shrunken head: I just came out of the pool. (Racism)
  • I’d like to give a shout out to my boys in Gnomeregan. Keeping it real Big-T, Snoop-Pup and Little Dees. Y’all are short, but you’re real, baby! (Racism)
  • Why does everyone automatically assume I know tailoring and cooking? (Sexism)
  • A guy walked up to me and said ‘I’m a teepee, I’m a wigwam, I’m a teepee, I’m a wigwam!’ and I said ‘Relax man, you’re too tense!’ (Racism, punching down on Native American culture)

There are a few others, but those are the really notable ones. The other jokes/flirts that were removed were done not because they punched down, but because they were very explicit, creepy, didn’t make sense to remain in the game, or had ties to abusers no longer with the company.

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Or maybe its because they haven’t redefined those words a million times to mean what they want them to mean and realize none of that is actually in the game. Many of the things in game people think are these things have been there for nearly 17 years and no one ever cared or complained about them until now and even still I have seen far more backlash over the changes than people happy about them. In fact, all the people I have ever played WoW with during all those years (both men and women) found all the jokes/flirts funny and loved that WoW had this humor in it.


So, are trolls allowed to have nose rings as a form of customization? What about dreadlocks? Obviously, someone out there has that customization, it doesn’t make it racist. As for paying for it, I fairly certain that people could ask the same about certain hairstyles, or body piercings without it being racially motivated.

Homophobic, no. Poor taste, maybe…Funny? Absolutely since it’s coming from a COW. But I’ll give you this one.

Not even remotely racist, and if you can’t get the joke…well…ain’t gonna explain it.

Like there aren’t many hip hop artists of varying skin color… :roll_eyes:

I’ll let you have this one too, because it’s a throwback joke to the 50’s…Just don’t forget that there are multiple forms of sexism.

Oh for the love of baby Thrall…It’s a word play joke, and a rather hilarious one too. Unless of course you can’t have any jokes using words that describe physical objects. To which I would say…“Relax man, you’re too tense!”


No, this is a blood elf not wanting to look like a troll after going to a TROLL spa. There is no other implication here at all.

I… ugh… what??? How did you conclude that was homophobic?

Again… what!!! How the hell is that racism?

No that is funny. How do you conclude a GNOME in a fantasy world saying this is racism? The joke is also referring to other gnomes in a fantasy world.

Ahh the joke that only offends people who don’t get the joke.

Actually its "relax man, you’re two tents. Get it? Teepee… wigwam… they’re both tents.


Careful here, you’re borderline telling people with dreadlock looks like a troll.

Blood elves exist in a fantasy world. To them, dreadlocks and bone nose rings are not their thing. If people can’t differentiate between fantasy and reality then that is their problem. I’m not borderline telling people anything. How they interpret it is on them. My intent was to show the difference between a joke made in a fantasy world by a fantasy character about another fantasy race in a fantasy world.

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Disingenuous takes like this are really grating. It’s a joke that is poking fun at Jamaican culture.

Yeah actually it is, and I’ve seen that ‘joke’ used before in real life, which happened to target a friend of mine when we were both in high school. He worked at a local dairy, and because he was gay and worked at said dairy bottling milk, he was targeted by many jokes about ‘homogenized milk’ (they’d also shorten the word and remove the ‘genized’ from the end just to take extra shots at him).

Again, punching down on Jamaican culture. Shrunken heads are part of Voodoo, which is significant to Jamaican culture. Sure there’s a sexual joke in there too, so it’s a double-whammy, both sexual and racist.

Every single one of the artists referenced is a black hip-hop artist, and yes, having a race where the vast majority of their number are so white you could lose them in a snowstorm, appropriate and make a joke out of black hip-hop culture is a bit on the nose.

Both of those tents are used by Native American cultures. Again it’s a joke that ‘punches down’ on them. You might find it funny, and I’m sure many others do too, but jokes that punch down on other cultures can grate people the wrong way, and Blizzard wants to make their game as inclusive as possible, meaning no jokes that punch down on other cultures.

You guys still punching out and up right?

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