Punching Down?

The politics in the game you mean?.. Because the racism and politics i was saying a few minutes ago, all refers to the ingame stuff.

I will agree on some level, the faction war has never been about politics lately and… honestly, i don’t know what it’s running on this time around… Simple Violence? Morality?.. i don’t know. And it seems like Blizzard is even realizing that with Shadowlands somewhat…

If somebody asks me “Why the alliance and horde fight and hate each other”, i couldn’t tell you off the top of my head on why at this point. Maybe to farm honor to get PvP gear for their 15+ dungeon or something.


Thank you for what you’ve been posting and for trying. Thank you very much!


This would all be highly offensive if you were a 16th century sheep herder. Now, you just want attention :man_shrugging:t3:


Racism is still racism no matter what day or age we are in, what are you smoking?

Racism is still racism no matter which race it is directed towards. That also doesnt change the minds of people who thinks otherwise.


You are sorry? Or very polite, which is nice. I agree with your sentiment, Holycowmanz, but people can behave this way, and there’s people that will listen and believe.
It’s so easy, so satisfying to be mad for a people, sad for them, glad for them.
A form of voyeurism really, feeling, experiencing, the same emotion surely being experienced by a race or group in the observed circumstances. You can be angry, filled with righteous fury, but not about something in your life, or sad, despairing and piteous, just wretchedly sorry, sorry for them, those poor people. Or , observing them, you find they are a happy people, and so you happily exclaim to the world, “Happy, these ones are happy!”
Imagine being one of “those people”.
Some outsider would be picking your fights, your enemies for you.
Most people don’t want or need help feeling sorry for themselves, and who wants to be thought of as sorry?
Outsiders telling the world how I feel? The word “used” comes to mind.
It’s a delusion, to believe you know what others think and feel, unless they’ve told you.
Outsiders shouldn’t be offended for a race or group they are not members of.
They aren’t qualified.
Yet here we are.


While it is very dumb the concept of race in itself, what is meant might not be.
And we should observe two things:

  • You might have a partner, in law relative, close friend, etc which is of a given race which makes you feel like an offense to that race is an offense to yourself. That is actually a very common thing to happen.
  • You might be rightfully offended by the realization that someone of a third race might be offending a second one that is not yours, but it might be something that applies to your own

So the best thing to do is not say dumb things about nobodies races, if you cant be smart enough to know that there are no human races, not by the arbitrary way some classify a race, and not by the most accepted, yet still arbitrary, classification from scholars.

if you have ancestory with various racial groups (and everybody does), no matter how remote, you’ll notice hints of those ancestors saying hi, every so often, not literally nor audibly, but in a choice you made, a feeling from a song you heard, a circumstance. when you look back on your life thus far, it’ll begin to explain moments that are slightly uncharacteristic of your current personality, but are happy positive notes, they just aren’t exactly current, in fact they can be ancient. maybe a brief snippet in time, where you share the positive or intriguing moments of an ancestors life via an odd dream or even just a sudden insight. for example:

you establish a bond with someone out of the blue and its as if you’ve known them your whole life. maybe your ancestors knew each other and this is confirmation. you find yourself inexplicably drawn to moments in history, far removed in location from where you are now, with a people who you share very little dna. yet there’s the link, kinda flashing at you - this has gotta be a great great great great great ancestor .

it almost seems like their lives are recorded in a timeless shared library and you’re just momentarily perusing snippets from the past.


The person Holy was replying to, that
the person was completely ignoring those who spoke up as representative of the race.


According to your posts everything is racist for you.


Oh wow did you just assume im white because i didn’t pick the blackest skin color option?

So clarifying someone is not gay is homophobic to you?

They are cows…


It is when it’s part of a race joke.

You clearly missed the point, don’t you?

Look, the joke is gone, so clearly Blizzard agrees with me here, so instead of arguing about it, maybe educate yourself on why you might be in the wrong all along?

Im gonna punch up! unsubbed and uninstalled. get rekt bliz.


Nah you’re trying too hard. You need to refine your skills little man.


You always pull this same card whenever you’re cornered and have no comeback, you really are a closet racist.

Again, some next level stretching. You should be in the NBA with those Michael Jordan Space Jam arms of yours.

But I get it, you’re bored and are looking for anything to validate your pathetic excuse of a life.


Weak bait my friend.


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