
You can switch, you aren’t locked into anything.

What’s the point of making an expansion? It’ll be gone in two years anyway.

Just saying. Not trying to be negative anymore.

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My own needs? Really? Is this the first time you’ve made a post in one of my threads? I’ve already got three shamans geared to the teeth.

I’ve got 12/12M Shamans.

This doesn’t impact me at all. I’m doing this for the health of the game I’ve played over half my life and I care about.

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Nah dude, it’s way too risky. I don’t want to be caught with my pants down if I end up getting locked out of my second choice for weeks when Blizzard nerfs my first choice two weeks into the expansion.

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oh sorry, you can swap between specs only once a week. have a nice day.

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Which render Convenants useless…



I think that’s optimistic. They’ve said it’s going to be a ‘weeks long’ process.

How does it make them useless? They still give us their abilities, they still give us their cosmetics and mounts. Being able to freely swap between covenants does not, in any way, render them useless.

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Changing covenants the first time around has no lock, going back is the issue.

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How does it make covenants useless? Could you please elaborate?

And yet, you only seem to see the issue from a single perspective. Also, rawr, nice flex. OLOLOLOL

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You only have two specs if you are a demon hunter main anyway. I feel bad for druids if they wanted to minmax soulbinds.

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What perspective is that exactly? Could you please elaborate?

but that’s the issue, i tank, heal and dps depending on the content and i do it quite often. So its limiting and if i mess up and in the wrong covenant for my raid i will boot myself before screwing my raid over.


I can’t teach you critical thinking and big picture thinking. How about you draw out the pro’s and cons for each player type and how that might shape the game as a result.
I’d really like to see what you come up with when you try to think about the other side of the issue.

This has been done to death, to spare everyone the strawmans maybe you could just highlight the cons for me.

Nobody has been able to do that yet.

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I’m fully aware of this. Did you think Blizzard was only going to make one or two tuning passes? I bet they make this many tuning passes before they launch the first raid.

I’m betting you can’t.
But you aren’t going to convince blizzard with these silly threads. You are going to have to eventually sit down and write something persuasive.

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You dodge questions so elusively. Bravo.


So, I’m a relatively casual, mid range player. I will probably do heroic raiding, probably do some M+. I see exactly ZERO benefit to covenants being locked.


okay then can you tell us what youre issue is with the game itself now is so that we can have a debate instead of this constant, “you dont know my stand point?”