
The saddest thing is Blizzard really thought we were going to get all covenant hyped and proud and talk about them the same way many players talk about their respective factions.

That could have been the case if they were just cosmetic, instead they got a bunch of people who are forced to jump from covenant to covenant based on the patch and what they are playing.



I think it is a follow up to the faction hype of BfA , where at Blizzcon they got people hyped up believing they were getting an actual Alliance vs Horde expansion .

Problem is things did not end up that way and it became apparent long before we got to patch 8.2.

Blizz however did not pay attention to what happened after BfA launched and how disenfranchised players were over it not being a faction pride xpac but remembered the excitement of how people were hyped and thought they could recapture that hype and I am willing to bet come the next expansion there will be new groups we will be joining with and once again even after we have told them the issues with covenants and how uninspiring they are they are going to go "Well we got them hyped up for Horde V Alliance in BfA and the Covenants they can join in SL , We can surely get them excited with these new groups ".

This thread still going is the best thing this community has done.

You cannot hide forever Ion!

He can until everything at Blizz blows over :joy:

Ion’s skills that he learned while being a lawyer sure are coming in handy.

Just be quiet and theres no heat.

Unfortunately, the truth is that there never was any kind of ripcord to pull. It was simply a lie to placate the masses. You should all know by now that the devs are too proud to ever admit any of their design decisions are mistakes. The Azerite system from BFA is proof enough that they will stick with a failed system until the end of the expansion even if it’s purely detrimental to the game.

The most you can hope for from these devs is yet another broken system like corruptions. You’ll get a system with RNG-based acquisition which causes the vast majority of everyone’s damage to come from passive sources, making everyone equal since the corruptions will be doing all the heavy lifting.


The ripcord couldn’t save this. This requires a new company promise. A TON of proof they are actually working on their issues. They need to come back around and start filling their original promises for shadow lands. They needs to back fill the story with juicy information that gives us actual clues as to what it going on and how to connect this book full of randomized plot dots.

They need free the people with the good idea’s out from under the giant rock they have them held under and give them the resources and power to effect change.

Exactly why Ion needs to be replaced.


Hey, long time no see. Pull the ripcord already now the covenants are united. It makes sense from a lore perspective as well now so just do it.


Happy 1 year anniversary to this thread.

Hard covenant locks are still terrible design and make zero sense from a gameplay or story perspective.


Oh my god you’re right, it’s been a year.

:partying_face: Happy Birthday!


… so much has happened in a year…

but not enjoying covenant locks remain the same. :skull_and_crossbones:


Sorta figured it would but I really wish this didn’t take a year let alone longer then one to fix. This was a predictable issue since it was announced at blizzcon.


Please do it. Pull every ripcord for every dogcrap system in this expansion.


Fae on Vulpera hunter feels good because of ability in LfR and normal .

Necro on this hunter feels bad because of ability and that’s only in LfR

Pull the blasted ripcord already you stubborn fools .

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Seems a lot of people are flaming you since apparently you have made a similar post in the past? Well, I never saw the original so thanks for posting it again.

If you’re talking about the original post, the Pull the ripcord thread was deleted twice because it got nasty. This is the third iteration of it.

Not sure how many days I’ve got left, haven’t even opened the launcher in a week. Hopefully they’ve learned ANYTHING from this entire fiasco of an expansion and make something good in 10.0. I’m not gonna raise my hopes, though.

I’m just straight cruising through the tier until next, we got Sylvanas to 50% last night so we should kill within 2 raid nights.

Two of my oldest raiders have told me they plan on quitting WoW after she dies so that blows. So many guilds dying.