
Just remember everyone while you do your (combined) covenant campaign today that if you change covenant the game marks you as a betrayer.


They are the definition of scope creep .

If they are going to just keep making systems that are passive talent trees just make one simple system and do minor tuning tweaks not every x.x.5 or x.1/x.2 patch but do it on a more frequent basis and do it so that another doesn’t need to be made to fix it .


This is weird. The top banner just says “Forums”. Has this been delisted, or is it just a bug on my end?

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Yeah i noticed that and happened on other threads too, Blizzard “upgrading” the forums maybe?

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I mean - I wouldn’t be against freely trying the other covenants. But I’m certainly not grinding that stuff up again if I can help it. There’s too much to do already.

I wouldn’t be against allowing people to swap covenants freely and grind them up, the ideal scenario is your renown is static and you can just do the covenant campaigns from 9.0 for other covenants for the covenant armors.

First time seeing this thread, and since its been a full year I wonder how much this discussion has steered completely off topic to the OP’s post

Oh, you’re right. It’s on other threads now. That means before I took lunch it was normal, and now it’s missing the heading… so in the last 2hrs?

Ah well, as long as it’s not just this thread. :slight_smile: Still saddened by their choice to saddle theme and identity with player power.

It goes off sometimes, we get into arguments but what’s important at the end of the day it all comes back to peoples frustrations over the game they love being forced to make concessions with the content they want to enjoy.


All those quotes, oof. It’s a bad look when put together.

Just realized we are officially 1 month off the 1 year anniversary of this thread. :birthday:


I see this too. It’s very annoying.

The passive talent trees should have minimum touching may a new row every so often.

I would like the idea of stat point at the end to tweak a toon. Something like 1% crit that would be yours forever…

That would only work if they actually fix the whole world scaling issue. That alone would take a solid year with the current state.

The irony of these whole systems is they were made in response to the button bloat we got up to with MoP and WoD. But what do systems based on passives have to do with button bloat ?

Yea… They could have handled the button bloat a little better. At this point I don’t feel like I have the ability to customize my too. The way I want.

Stats I feel have been off for a long time due to some underlying system like PvP has.

Talking pvp I feel really bad when they killed pvp gear the way they did.

Every expansion it feels more and more like someone else’s choice and not mine.

To me the best way they could of done the whole covenant class ability thing is made a max level talent row that changes from expansion to expansion . Keep the regular 7 talent rows we have then add a 8th one that changes every new expansion .

They could of resolved the ability / soulbind issue with a conduit that would make any of a person’s covenant based abilities work with any of the soulbinds of their chosen aesthetic covenant.

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It’s a good idea.

But you know you would get that argument I miss that power and then comes the tuning patch after patch.

No matter what is done or how they do it in the future people will complain… sad sad wow truth…

If they would do something like that , they wouldn’t need to tune them because they would be switchable like regular talents and people could pick based on content or spec since they are class abilities and not just spec.

They can’t even balance the normal talents , what possessed people to believe they could balance covenants and all that is involved with those.


Sounds like old reputation-based factions. Wonder why that needed to be fixed? :thinking:

New abilities and passives can be cool and create a new interesting way to play your class. however, now I just want Gordon Ramsay to just be CEO for a day.


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