
He says unironically as he plays a min-maxed character with the min-maxed covenant.

People like min-maxing. Even if they don’t need to do it.


Do you think you have me in a gotcha moment or something? I’ll keep raiding and playing the game as I planned to with or without the ripcord. The new raid is great and we’re already deep into heroic based off one night.

The game would flat out just be better with the ripcord being pulled so i keep supporting the discussion.


That’s why it wont be pulled coz you would play it anyway regardless. LOL.

The guy who wants Pacman square still plays Pacman. Make your own game if you want Pacman square. LOL.

I don’t understand people who think in binary situations where if you don’t like absolutely everything, it’s a dealbreaker.

I play this game because WoW is unmatched in difficult, team-based PvE. No other game has anything nearly as interesting or fun as raiding or doing M+ with friends.

Covenants being locked is like the story being bad. Disappointing and something I’d like to see changed, but not inherently a dealbreaker.

I didn’t unsub during 9.3 but we still got account wide essences and a corruption vendor.


You know Jhannae, I was interested in what kind of player you are. I was hoping by looking into your post topic history I could get an idea of what kind of player you are.

For someone who requires advice on every aspect of the game you sure do take an awfully militant stance on this topic for something that apparently doesn’t impact you at all.

Never forget… never forget…

We were on the right side of history Awkward.


It impacted me long time ago when I was hardcore no Life.

50k gold to switch specs for my Warrior who does everything… Main Tanking, Topping the DPS, and PvP. But I gave up Main Tanking later on as I was more popular as DPS. But I reached Lt Commander on PvP too. In the end, I came up with DPS specs that could PvP… cant top the DPS anymore becoz I have points for PvP but I can kill High Warlords on a 1vs1 with this setup. It was all good. And now you spoiled kids wants everything to be done with 1 toon? LOL. The Scarab Lord Dev would agree with me. NOPE!!!

Then on Wrath, I resolved my multi-role issue. I made 2 toons. 1 Toon for Tanking … a DK and could do topnotch DPS. But I also have a Hunter who topnotch on DPS equal or better than my DK. If my guild wants a Tank, I have a DK. Then later on he wants a high DPS, I have a Hunter. I am switching toons on the go. Not switching specs. This is called… adapting and playing around the mechanics. Both of my Wrath Toons were able to kill Arthas on ICC25.

Not sure if you need me to repeat myself because you clearly haven’t read the rest of the thread.

:clap: I’ve :clap: Played :clap: Since :clap: Vanilla :clap: So :clap: Don’t :clap: Try :clap: To :clap: Pull :clap: Rank :clap: With :clap: How :clap: Long :clap: You’ve :clap: Been :clap: Playing :clap:

Just going to take a moment to chuckle at this because i’ve read so many of your threads.

In your other thread which I assume you did just to try and brag or something?

Lmao at the description on the video too :grimacing:

This is a perspective of a Top DPS’er doing Heroic Nzoth PuG carrying players.



Yup, I was already Casual then… less play time and I love carrying PuGs. Which is more challenging? Beating the Bosses with elite organized group? Or Beating Bosses with chaotic group that needs carry? I prefer the latter. I cant abide to guild raid schedule anymore anyway. I will raid when I want to raid.

And switching specs is not free. ROFL.

So you throw me something else becoz you cant argue why I support no FREE switching of specs. I pity you.

Hey just popping in to my favorite thread to read before my sub runs out in about 19 hours.

I may not want the ripcord pulled, but for the sake of the game being saved for some people I hope they do for you guys who do want it.

Although it seems to be getting closer and closer to everything just merging in the end, they already started it with this patch merging the stories together so I can’t imagine some super covenant fusion being too far behind.

I may not agree with your stance there Timbae (or your attempt at using car analogies) but at least you have stuck to your guns on this particular issue.

But since they ruined the unique covenant storylines, I will say before I leave:



Personal ripcord pulled

Catgirl engaged


Yeah very few people have mentioned this. 0-40 All the covenant campaigns were different.

Now we’re doing the literally same covenant campaign. How does this add up LMAO?


You’ve said this a couple times now, and I’m starting to question your credibility. If you actually played in vanilla you’d know that 50k gold is basically an impossible number. Respecs were capped at 50 gold.

So, what you’re saying is that the restrictions imposed on us via covenants are meaningless and empty because you’d still need a DK to tank, yeah? Hunters don’t have a tank specs yet, do they? Mages aren’t your “Swiss army knives” that can tank or heal yet, to use your previous analogy. Whats the point?


^^ This. They wanted to bring fire down a peg in M+ for season 2, so naturally they nerfed it into the #$^@!%ing ground, desynced its CDs, and made it essentially unviable for all forms of competitive endgame content.

Kyrian arcane looked to be promising going forward. I didn’t want to lose everything I earned with the Night Fae, but I bit the bullet and swapped. I completed the Kyrian campaign for the 3rd time and grinded to 41 renown before Tuesday’s reset.

Problem is after downing a few of the new bosses on heroic, I’m realizing I probably don’t have the 9000 IQ required to effectively manage both Arcane’s complex/unfamiliar rotation and the new raid’s complex/unfamiliar mechanics. Both are very punishing of mistakes, and sort of require 100% of my focus. I don’t have 200% to give.

Venthyr is starting to look much more appealing. Frost has a simpler rotation, more versatility across multiple forms of content, and better defensives. Venthyr is BIS for frost, while still being adequate for arcane. Kyrian is game-changingly omega BIS for arcane, but very lackluster for the other specs.

The idea of me having to start over again, complete the Venthyr campaign (for the second time), and mindlessly spam old content for 45 renown makes me a little queasy. That would be me grinding ~100 renown in roughly a week. I shouldn’t be experiencing this much burnout less than 2 weeks into the new patch. It’s not “meaningful choice,” it’s just toxic.



What’s more likely is he means he had to swap all his gear/sockets etc over and thats why it’s 50k except that’s also not reasonable because most people had different sets of gear for different specs. Especially if this man was so wildly popular as he says he is he would have definitely an extra set.

  1. It’s quite amazing to see that after all these posts you are still missing the point. People are not asking for ripcord because they can’t min-max. They are already doing it. Covenant distribution should tell you that much. People want to min-max for the content that they are doing.

  2. Also, you really need to stop with the argument of “make your own game”. It is obnoxious, unnecessary, and pointless. There is a reason I am paying money for this game. and my inability to make such a game is one of the reasons. Just as someone somewhere in the world is paying money for my service, because they cannot do what I do. But my purchase does not mean I cannot voice my opinions or concerns, as that wasn’t part of the end user agreement when I made such purchase.


Gotta re enchant crusader everytime he swaps a piece of gear out. I mean, even if he did that everytime it would still only be around 1500g. I think he’s just full of it.

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I find it funny you use screwdrivers. Because if you actually knew about screwdrivers you’d know they have different names, size and they do not work on every screw.


When you talk to a certain main character revealed this week:

“Only united can the covenants stand against Zovaal.”

They really are going to drag us along to 9.2 or 9.3, huh


Can’t wait for us to be united… but not really united.


“When we said united, what we meant is that we’d actually do a combined offensive assault where we work closely together and utilize each covenants respective stengths while covering their weaknesses. Not that we’d let you in our secret treehouse”.

Also bit the bullet and went Venthyr on my Boomkin, spend a solid chunk of my combat thinking “man, Convoke would be great here”, but I went Venthyr in the first place because I was like “man, Frenzy would be so good here” in even more situations.

Like I wouldn’t mind if I had to level both Covenants up to utilize them fully, just let me swap between them so I can use the ability that’s good in 30% of situations in 30% of situations and the ability that’s good in 70% of situations in 70% of situations and not have to feel sad when I can’t hardcast in a high mobility situations.