

And yes, it’s a phrase.

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Coming to terms that i’m going to be running Torghast all expansion long until 10.0 is a pretty tough pill to swallow. I really just don’t find it entertaining and every run i do i end up with the same powers anyway lol

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Pulling the Ripcord means wow devs (Ion) have to admit they were wrong. That won’t happen no matter how many people quit if Bobby still gets his bonus.


We can dream right?

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The nice thing about Torghast is that even if you don’t enjoy it, at least it has a finite lifespan for that patch.

It’s not like Islands or Horrific Visions, which personally I didn’t enjoy, that I was grinding practically until I got Nyalotha CE.

Covenants are just annoying, especially with these new legendaries. Warlocks are basically locked into NF for the rest of the expansion because the NF legendary is actually REALLY good, and on the flip side, Venthyr with it’s new legendary is really good for Boomkin, albeit super situational.

So if I go Venthyr to try out the new playstyle and new legendary (which looks insanely fun, you get so much Haste that casting Wrath on single target can be a DPS loss due to being GCD locked), I have to deal with the annoying crap that comes with changing my Covenant, not to mention the loss of the much more reliable Convoke.

We can’t pull the ripcord once we have already hit the groud… this hashtag should be.



FFXIV: :gun::shamrock::sunglasses: “Call The Paramedics. But not for me.”
Points at wows withering corpse


That tweet few days ago about “It’s crazy to think Blizzard doesn’t care”.

They may care, but they sure don’t respect the players.


These topics weren’t meant to have so many posts. I wonder how high it can go.

Fun fact: This is the highest post count thread that is:

a) Unlocked.
b) Not about High Elves.


Maybe it is about high elves.


I saved my soul ash thinking that I was going to cheat the system by having enough on hand that I wouldn’t have to run torghast. But then I learned about soul cinders a few days ago when I finally tuned into stuff about 9.1, I don’t wanna go back there ):

Classic blood elves are so golden.

Arcane is one of the few specs in the game that now works well with any of the covenants to the point where you can pick what you want and be fine in any content. But, it doesn’t matter because stupid covenants exist in their current iteration.

I guess they wanted to not make minmaxers switch between each raid pull? But I mean, just give it like a 60 minute cooldown to switch or something. What’s the point?

Going through old posts in this thread is interesting.

It’s funny to see people who predicted exactly what would happen, and those who defended the system only to never play Shadowlands or if they do, pick whatever Icy Veins told them is the best.


I am looking forward looking to the meta of 9.1 for mages.

Last tier fire was best for m+, arena and raid.

9.1 Frost (Venthyr) and Arcane (Kyrian) are going to be the best for raid but Fire (NF) will be the best for raiding. Incredible Blizzard spectacular job.


I’d love to try out the skeletal mage for a bit, but the turnaround is obnoxious. I mean I’ve done it before for other stuff… just waited for Monday for the first week then switched Tuesday. But I’m also just really tired of doing that.

Overall, I won’t miss the system as is.

I’m sorry you all are suffering because of my decisions to make covenant switching hard and covenant abilities locked to the covenant.

i dreamed up shadowlands and somehow blizzard made it as i dreamed. magic or something.

i was trying to discourage min maxing or something but realistically WoW players will always min max so all I did was make you angry.


Covenants and the mediocre legendary system ruined Shadowlands. I’m all for “earning” character power, but long tedious quest chains and faceroll easy grinds (Choregast, the Maw) are neither rewarding or entertaining

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Becoz you are not creative. If you would go back and forth between talents and the CD is hindering you, why not make 2 toons so you dont have to switch? Becoz you are lazy? You want the game to be dictated by you. Who are you? Is your sub make you special? Make your own game.