
We welcome all with open arms here

Recently switched covs…feels really bad. Punishing with 40 renown to grind. Trying to build just a frost and arcane soulbind and I have 2 conduit energy left. It’s not the end of the world but it just feels so unnecessary and like I’m grinding not for any rewards but just to get back to baseline again.


refuse to switch or be miserable.

Realizing the weakness in these systems hits people at different times, we welcome all fugitives at all times.


Back to the top you go.

hEY gUYS! i GOT A nEW SySTeM fOr yoU! iT's GOiNg tO bE EPIC!


God i can’t wait to see the collective playerbase realize that everyone needs to recraft their legendaries because Blizzard apparently did think hard enough of what a clown fiesta its going to be.



I’m just going to throw this out there. Covenant choice should have been purely cosmetic. The moment I heard there was going to be different player powers tied to covenant choice. I knew it was not going to end well.

We really need to get back to basics in terms of player power. Just have it be all about the gear and class talents. That’s all we need in my opinion.


Don’t you like grinding things for systems that are 99% passive abilities that are non button abilities so that you can continue to fight the bloat of too many button abilities

When you put it like that. I think I’m gonna say no but I do it anyway (at least on my main) so I don’t let my raid/dungeon teams down in terms of output.

I’m just saying they created a balancing nightmare that was so easily avoidable.

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I know couldn’t you sense the sarcasm and we all have been saying that about the covenant system since the beta.


Alright that’s it! I’m taking the cord and plugging it back in

I’m also covering it with electric tape incase any cats show up

Wrong kind of cord .
not a :electric_plug:
But :parachute: cord

Either way you don’t want cats to show up

Don’t worry boys, they’re pulling in ripcord.

In 9.3.


Which will be renamed to 10.0

I really hope we have a live event to announce 10.0. If you’re reading this and you go, please be sure to boo as loud as possible the moment whoever is on stage announces a new temporary power system. Only way to get the message clear to the devs at this point is to make noise as loud and as soon as possible.


I’ll be honest at this point I just don’t see the value in Blizzard keeping this going long enough to hit a 9.3. They can just blame covid for not listening to all our feedback and putting in aggressive anti-fun systems and scrapthe whole thing and move on.

So many people have been burned by Shadowlands I don’t see them coming back to try out the new stuff in 9.1, and I doubt 9.2 will be much different.


Sub runs out in August, which is also when 9.1 is supposed to be out, and I see no reason to renew. It’s just the same crap as 9.0. More Torghast, more Maw, more legendary grinding, and no real changes to covenants. Even the new raid is set in Torghast. It’s like they took everything people complained about and doubled down on purpose. Who’d wanna stick around for that?


Really bad system. Let the story, covenants and everything be available to all! Get rid of Cov abilities and conduits etc… Just let the game be simplier and the story more complex! We want all the lore, it’s an RPG! We don’t want more of this borrowed FOTM power crap that sucks and feels gated behind pointless grinding.

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They will end this expansion barely balancing anything, and then next expansion they will create another mess of borrowed power systems for us and barely balance that.

The cycle continues to continue.