There is no relevance, they are just firing off random statements to try and stick a strawmen landing. It’s not working when nobody bites though.
It’s Ion incognito defending his position on his alt.
Been trying to tell’em
Oh yummy, a conspiracy that statistic sites are a scam!
Especially ones that use Blizz’s actual numbers but remember factual numbers are not facts but their common sense is .
Oh and in case anyone forgot
The reason my friends and I stopped playing is because of covenants. Alt gearing is incredibly unfriendly and the thought of having to go all the way through that stuff again isn’t worth it.
I miss the WoD days when you could ding max level and start working on PvP gear.
Covenant only legendaries prove to be another absolute sham on PTR testing. Yahoo
Top 10 most painful anime moments
Covenant design is so stupid. The expac already is such a big PitA to play alts on, but then they design the quest lines to make you have to level 4 separate characters, one for each covenant to see the whole story, plus grind soul ash and anima for each one. (NOT TO MENTION tens of thousands upon tens of thousands of anima to buy all the transmog options for each covenant X each armor type, that you can’t even use outside of the covenant lock.)
One of the first character I leveled was a monk but I picked Necrolords 'cause they are badass. Didn’t think it would be a big deal. Well turns out Necrolords is trash tier for monks (plus the flesh shield ability is sooo bad) Kyrian is the one you’re ‘supposed’ to pick but I already assigned one of my other 3 characters to Kyrian. Have to swap them around to fix it but then I gotta grind all that stupidity again. So dumb. (Lucky me the other 2 actually got decent covenants for their classes by random)
Ohh you’re the big bad Mall Walker, but wait, you can only do stuff in the part of the Mall you join I guess. One of my guys can only work in the shoe department, another only can bake cheap pizza in the food court. I saved the Mall but it’s not enough for these yahoos.
Or you can accept that you’re not going to get every transmog option, at least not this expansion.
I wish transmog was the least of the issues with the system
Seeing how they handled Isle of Thunder transmog from the elites you have to summon (they removed the stones from dropping off mobs, making the grind ridiculous), I don’t see getting the appearances even after that.
Same thing happened to me and many others I know off. My main, this dude, I just went WTH and chose what fits being a druid, I honestly gave up just before this expansion released knowing I would be **** if I ever wanted to swap and I may as well be happy with my covenant for everything but 2 buttons, I hit the jackpot for PVE content at least.
But than yeh, my alts I went DH Necro and Warlock Venthyr, thematically it made more sense to me but I got shafted on my abilities, good thing my DH is a tank so the shield is actually useable, the Venthyr Warlock spell, what a PoS. But Paladin for Kyrian is going to be good, 2/4 ain’t bad, I can live with that, but I would like to go back and swap my DH and Warlock. Too bad Blizzard are being Blizzard and probably won’t ever let it happen with a stupid grind again.
Just (insert explicit word here) make the covenant stuff a talent tree, let us pick and choose what soulbind and powers and whatever so we can play the covenant we want with the powers that work for us.
I mean FFS we are not only helping one covenant, we are saving the whole god damn underworld from some rat jailer and his slave archer, what point is there for the saviour of the universe to be helping one of the four covenants only? We end up roaming around the each dungeon, each zone, each raid (when there is more), the literal graveyard of the dead and helping everyone in the process.
Honestly I think this thread is going to keep getting bumped until 10.0. Hopefully by then something will change.
By then covenants will not have to give you power, and if they do, they’ll be significantly easier to switch.
Everybody will just be Night Fae then, because for some reason that covenant has almost all the ‘best picks’ for every class/spec. Ion must love fairies
If the NF ability just isn’t outright the best, NF have both the best Soulbinds (Korayn/Niya) and the best generic utility with survivability (Necrolord/Kyrian) being useful sometimes but mobility (Venthyr/NF) being useful always.
BUT, that’s looking at it through the perspective of it currently being hard to change.
If you can change it for the situation at hand, a lot of other Covenants are close enough that when the situation favours them, they’d see play.
If you could switch Covenants, you’d see a lot of Kyrian Boomkins get played for fights like Sludgefist which overwhelmingly want 1 minute burst windows. Or Necrolord Warlocks since Decimating Bolt is actually pretty good for Demo and Destro.
Which is why I don’t care for Covenants as a whole. They boil down the optimization to “pick Night Fae cause it’s the best in most situations”.
The ripcord. Pull it. I’m not done jumping through hoops in this game. AT LEAST make the experience better for those that are still left.
takes a break from chewing on crayons
It’s just common sense that people will pick something that underperforms compared to other choices.
Covenants should get a lot of people at blizzard fired. The icing on the cake for me is Covenant legendaries, in which they are only two outcomes. One, they are so good you will be forced to play that Covenant, or two, they suck and no one bothers and just ignores them. It’s just depressing at this point.