
That is probably true in some cases, but the exactitudes of what makes a covenant the “best” are murky enough that its really hard to say. Some abilities are weaker overall but might be much more simple to integrate into your play. “Bad” players actually can see a loss in in performance by trying to follow guides/strategies that are outside of their skill level, even if those strategies would be a gain if executed properly. :woman_shrugging:

They did


You do know the whole thing affects casuals more . And for the number of people picking the meta builds to be that high just proves it does because there is no way there are enough high end players alone picking the metas for those kind of numbers . You are looking at at least 75% of the people picking the metas being casual players.

You used things like McDonalds , Burger King and Chick Fil A as quality companies . Well even quality companies don’t always get it right . Like Blizz didn’t with covenants.

Mc Donalds Mc Hotdog : If you lived in the Midwest in the mid-1990s, you might have tried out a McHotDog. The product was tested in 1995 during the summer, but it never caught on. McDonald’s has tried to introduce hot dogs a few more times since then, to little success and against Kroc’s wishes.

Arch Deluxe : There was nothing wrong with the actual Arch Deluxe burger that McDonald’s debuted in 1996. It had bacon, lettuce, tomato, cheese, onions, ketchup, and a secret sauce.

The problem was the advertising, which McDonald’s famously spent over $200 million on. The company marketed the Arch Deluxe as a sandwich for only adults, calling it “the burger with the grown-up taste.” The company even launched a commercial featuring two young rappers saying “yuck” when they saw the Arch Deluxe. Wrong move, Mickey D’s!

Burger King

Hot Dogs

Burger buddies (sliders)

Chick -Fil -A

Chicken Quesadilla

Then let’s not forget things like Coke and the debacle that was coke 2 or Pepsi and Pepesi clear . How about the Cadillac Cimmaron .

Even quality companies don’t always get it right.


Not according to warcraft logs or raider io. Player participation between Normal, Heroic, and Mythic seem pretty similar in comparison to the previous expansion.

I thought we weren’t using websites



Why would that ever be the play, to make your product seem unappetizing? The complete lack of connection to reality, lol.

I already pointed out facets such as advertising to edyta. The poster kept to his guns saying quality is objectively what determines the success of a product, and when I put out different reasons for a product to fail, the poster strangely went silent and stopped responding to me.

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It just goes to show even companies that some might consider quality companies do make mistakes and the person pretty much made a comparison of Blizz and the companies I mentioned as being quality companies.

Look at Windows for the most part it has been pretty successful but there was Vista.

Google had their google glasses .

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If you want to use the websites so badly, you can’t honestly complain when they’re used against you, no?

Through their perspective, mostly. They don’t have to take this BiS Covenant for LFR, Normal, or even Heroic, but there’s this cottage industry that is entirely dependent on them following the path of least resistance.

True, however, there’s objectionable indicators for them to see that. This is not one of those times.


Right over your head

Which in all honesty, I’m not surprised. You have pretty terrible takes


Says the guy that’s mad Blizzard wasn’t paying employees that weren’t working? You and Timbae would probably be the best of friends.

/10 characters


I said it was one of the most important indicators for a successful product. That’s why I didn’t bother acknowledging you.

Where’s the lie?

Advice for you. Sit down and practice cognitive thinking. Find a park, a nature trail a beach if they’re open right now and just practice thinking.


Most people don’t want bis covenants for all , what we want are the abilities untied to the covenants . Let the class specific ones be talents and let us pick the covenant that we like the look of just for that . Let me pick what should be a talent for the content I am doing at any given time . Let me pick a talent that if I am on a hybrid class fits the spec I am playing at that time.

Let me play like I used to play . Let me queue for lfr , dungeons and bgs and do so feeling like I am at least viable in all 3 . Right now I don’t even do the BGs because of this system and this system has taken the fun out of the pve content I enjoy and it is all because of shills like you .

Covenants should of been aesthetics only . Being able to change every 2 weeks is a joke .

When Blizz said meaningful choice they meant , you can play the way we want you to play so that our time played metric looks good to the investors . Heck with your responses it wouldn’t shock me if you were a Blizz employee.


So that’s a no? Well I’m #shocked.

In the same statement:

Sounds like it to me.

Blame everyone else but yourself. Cool.

While I agree that there are occasions where choosing the theoretical best loadout nets less gain for some individuals, I find those occasions are rare. Rarely do I need to move a player to passive abilities to see an increase in performance. In fact, generally speaking, if we’re at that point, the best thing would be to just move to a simpler spec/class.

People have limitations, and should look to playing towards their strengths.

I like to put players into the accepted builds and then work on their soft skills. It’s really more the soft skills that bring competency over the loadout unless you are running low fault tolerance content - early clears, high keys, or Mythic. If you’re learning, you won’t be in that.

So are there exceptions? Sure. Enough that the majority should not seek to emulate the guides? Not in my opinion or experience.

No see there’s no point in having a conversation with you is what I’m saying because you don’t think. At least the other shills have some form of thought process you just come across as completely mindless.


I blame the system. Every system since Legion people have told them that they are not fun and are broken and they continue to double down on them like a petulant child.

The only meaningful choice we make in this game is our class. After SL covenants will have about as much meaning as most of the people we went to high school with . That would be pretty much a big fat 0