Yeah but you get what you pay for .
Filled my up my first meaningful bar of world quests last week. Get to fill up my second bar of meaningful world quests this week so i can swap back to Necrolord after doing my meaningful choice round table.
It only retrieves 10% of the player database a day, out of 20 million players. Pretty terrible source of information you got there.
Whatever bro, you keep clutching your extremely slow numbers.
That fact that you say this shows that common sense you so happily talk about is completely lacking. God speed and god bless.
That’s what your precious website literally spells out. It is really, really slow. But keep clinging to your outdated metrics, I’m sure someone will be impressed by all those fancy numbers and graphs.
Bit late but look on the bright side, at least Edyta was indirectly supporting the thread by keeping it front and centre of the forums. I’m almost convinced it’s someones alt keeping the conversation going. How very sinister whoever that is.
But yeah i think you’ve hit the nail on the head.
Haven’t said I still like the way it is in awhile and doesn’t need to be pulled so here’s my comment on liking the way it is
I think people should be entertained by your feeble wailing for the next two years.
While you are here are you able to comment how opening up the covenants would impact your experience playing the game?
The irony of their whole argument is even if there are more Fire mages then the number you show . Say each spec has the same number of players out of the 20 mil (highly unlikely ) .The 333k + you showed would only be 60 % of all the fire mages and the number you showed earlier for night fae as being the meta for that 60 % of people playing fire was actually around 85+% of those players.
Common sense since that is what Edyta likes to use would tell you that out of the remaining 40% not showing due to not being updated at least half of that (20%) would still be the meta .
So either way current numbers or updated numbers it is still going to be 80%+ of players playing any given spec picking the meta. When it gets to that level , they might want to realize it is more then just hard core players doing it but casuals even more so .
At this point I’ve given up trying to present a reasonable argument because they’ve proven they aren’t interested.
Could you imagine how much wowranks would be throw in our faces if it fit their narrative? lol
Why would I use outdated information from wowranks? I would need something just a smidge faster than a whopping 10% per-day update.
I thought you couldn’t stoop any lower, but using something as slow as wowranks is pretty low.
They actually didn’t know about the website until i had to throw them a bone, then they tried to use the excuse that Blizzard doesn’t listen to mythic raiders and I had to throw them a bone (again) with information about the feedback forum from TC/Mythic raiders.
Really just giving everything away for free.
Having a strong covenant doesn’t only matter for the best players. BIS covenants matter for anyone who’s attempting anything that’s difficult for them.
If you’re bad at the game and struggle to clear normal dungeons, having a stronger covenant will help you be more successful.
Silence Waidmann! The “casuals” are speaking for you…
Like hell they are
That is true.
Sometimes some players like to handicap themselves and see how far they can push. But I think all players would like to play what is above the line of average. If a covenant isn’t meeting the average expectation don’t expect players to sit around and wait for BlizZard to fix this.
I mean they are introducing covenant legendaries when they can’t even balance existing legendaries…
An inaccurate website.
Which you didn’t bother to read because developers flat out told people why they can’t be beholden to min/maxers alone.
You just lie for the sake of lying at this point.
As a casual i just like having the toys and playing with all of them without having to roll 4 of the same class to enjoy them. Ion believes I only want to min/max and therefore I can go kick rocks. I think they are just hurting my fun. Min/maxing aside the game is certainly less fun now as the devs have just focused on hurting my fun to stick it to min/maxers and mythic raiders. They are actually sticking it to me as well and it feels bad
If I know my abusive Blizzard, this ripcord won’t be pulled until they double down and make it at least 10 times worse. Then they shall fix it just before they loose the faithful addicts deep in the expac when it no longer matters.
This is sadly the way. (I would love for them to change it. But they are too busy being vendictive cause you didn’t like it “their way”)