
Wildstar was such a massive, overwhelming success. Can’t wait to see Morhaime torpedo another IP ala Star Craft Ghost.

WildStar was a great game for what it was. It just had a horribly rushed and buggy launch because the studio was a mess, and the MMORPG market has no room for error unless you’re a Warcraft, Final Fantasy, or Star Craft franchise because there’s no massive funding to survive bad stretches to iron out kinks. And alternatively, there are plenty of hyper casual MMORPGs that fail tremendously and do way worse than WildStar.

If Vanilla released the way it was at launch today it also would’ve flopped.

Your opinions are really, really bad. You are definitely trolling.



I never said it did. But I can play the game as is without altering the Covenants, you can’t, or else you wouldn’t be here.

So why do you need the game changed?

Oh, so it didn’t survive?

Can’t wait for those other ex-Blizz employees to show how it’s done.

You’re the one trying to pass of Wild Star as a great game when it clearly wasn’t. Try again.

Tell me how Blizzard should be paying their employees again. I need a good laugh.

If all you’re doing is counting profits to determine whether or not a game was good, you’re kind of just dumb. Plenty of games that have failed/not been profitable or had the backing to survive rough patches still have plenty of redeeming qualities. WildStar had a lot of flaws but also had a lot of good things.

There’s more nuance to talking about things than just HERR DERRRRR GOOD VS BAD

Celebrating and laughing about a game failing is just a weird thing to do.


I actually agree with you except in the case of wildstar. F that game. The community was a god damn cesspool and attempting to point out some of the flaws in the game at the start and when I was in beta was a nightmare. The arrogance of the developers to say they were going to do “wow right” and then stick to the stupid hardcore narrative had that game doa. Sad because WS has a real shot imo.

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People usually don’t pay for things they hate, you know? Usually profits are a strong indicator of how well a game is doing from a non-biased point.

Skyrim’s been out for almost a decade and people are still buying it.

But that’s your opinion. Objectively it’s a poor opinion since the players clearly did not agree with you.

Saying Wild Star was good, despite it failing is a bit of an oxy-moron.

Also #PullTheRipcord

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Is this legitimately a comparison you thought was good?

Subscription based MMORPG’s and single player games are not comparable. There is more nuance to every discussion than just results based analysis.


I could point to WoW if you really want to nitpick.


Because having to choose between power or cosmetics and timegating simple class functionality should NEVER have been a thing.

A veteran MMORPG company should know better. Ever heard the saying, “if it ain’t broke why fix it?” Sometimes “new” and “different” just for the sake of it actually makes things worse.

Save the “but what if we used rubber for bubblegum” musings for a less public venue I say.


It’s a pretty huge part. You can’t really say something was successful if it shuts down before you can utter the sentence.

Quality and success are not synonymous. Like… at all.


If you need a good laugh there’s a mirror right down the hallway. Because I’m not seeing anything funny from your posts.


Clearly the Quality is not good if it is not successful. Objective fact. I don’t know why you’re trying to argue for subjective reasons.

So you think McDonalds is quality food then?

You think Paris Hilton is a good DJ?

plenty of examples where quality and success do not follow each other linearly.


For the price? Yes.

Agree wholeheartedly.

But this is the age of YOLO, where 90% of Earth’s wealth gambled away their rational sanity chasing slot machine short trades at the Wall Street fiat casino, and would see the world in flames if they got to be Lord of the Ashes with the biggest ball of string.

This is the golden age of “quantity over quality.”


Interesting, it would seem many of us are better at playing the game as intended than you are.

That’s not the point. We can play the game as intended, doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem. I used to do PvP in BfA, I am not doing PvP in SL, instead I play other games. Is that playing the game as intended? I guess only Blizzard knows.