Can you please temper your expectations they are a very small company with extremely limited manpower. It’s not like we pay a sub per month and repurchase the game every two years.
wait a second…
Can you please temper your expectations they are a very small company with extremely limited manpower. It’s not like we pay a sub per month and repurchase the game every two years.
wait a second…
If you want to keep the pity party between you ‘skilled’, progression cry-babies to yourselves that’s fine by me.
Must be real bitter that Covenants are still around in 9.1
I’m letting my sub lapse. I’m essentially done with this clown fiesta. They don’t listen to feedback and can’t even be bothered to treat their employees right. No wonder we have 4 different ex Blizzard studios popping up. Wouldn’t be surprised if more popped up.
No Jalen but they did listen to your feedback! That’s why we are getting torghast…mythic…plus…?
Uh huh. See you in 9.1.
Oh 100%
The only reason they like Covenant is because those nasty elitists don’t like them. They’re just another Ralph, except not even half as memorable.
Poor Ralph, I saw him pop up in the Morgan Day interview he actually brought up try-hards. Miss that crazy panda.
These new generator of trolls are pretty stale. At least Ralph had a shtick.
Nah. They can have it. They can have TBC Classic too. I’m done with WoW and maybe even Blizzard games entirely.
Everyone that throws your worthless numbers back in your face is a troll. Okay.
Or could at least be somewhat funny. These Blizzard shills are just sad to watch. The only reason people want to keep the restrictions is to “stick it to the skilled players”. And if they actually believe in the meaningful choice and are required to have Blizzard chain them down, then that means that they have no self control. They require to see other people play the way they want to which makes them no better than the people they call out.
Sorry mate. Common sense dictates you’re a troll.
Can’t go against common sense.
I saw him, or at least someone pretending to be him pop up in Frostmourne trade chat.
There aren’t as many dedicated to their craft as he is.
Ice cold, i love it. God speed Awkward and may the ripcord pulleth.
It reminds me of Sonichu actually, was also a female worgen rogue. What if this is sonichu?
Top 10 anime twists
Other than not actually fixing the problem or just the obvious reason of ‘waaah, I can’t pick the optimal thing every time’.
But it’s so entertaining watching you three huddle around each other like an AA meeting.
It looks like Sonichu deleted their account? Maybe they also realized how awful covenants are and couldn’t bare having to say “I was wrong”.
Unfortunate… I miss Sonichu Anon85998724.
Yeah my point definitely stands. You have no self control and actually hate a portion of the playerbase for playing differently than you. I wonder how many more ex Blizzard studios we’ll see.
why do you care what people that you don’t play with pick?
Because they hate them! And don’t want them in the game.
You can’t play the game as intended?
What do you mean? The ability to play the game optimally is intended, that’s why we are able to make choices in the talents we pick, the conduits we select, the legendaries we use, the gear we equip, etc.
There is nothing unintended about min/maxing. It’s been in the game since day 1, it’s been in all of the games that influenced WoW’s creation, and it’s still in the game now. The only thing that changes expansion to expansion is what we can min/max.
But we still absolutely min/max now, and there is still an “optimal.” I’m not sure why you think there isn’t, but I’m even more unsure why you think that what build I run has any impact on you.
What we dislike is that the main expansion feature is arbitrarily locked. There’s no real reason for it, and it prevents us from playing with 75% of the potential builds. Experimenting with builds and numbers is a huge reason many people play this game. That doesn’t always mean the most optimal - I’m already my best covenant for all content. I’m trying to more easily play worse ones for fun, but don’t want to do so if it means being locked out of my best choice for two weeks.