
Well, no. It just seems really odd that you don’t want to balance out the abilities and instead making it more convenient to swap so you’re not wasting time pushing content.

No interest? Disagree.
Time? Maybe.
Ability? Also maybe.

I would prefer bi-weekly or monthly balance updates. But I know other players get salty if their fotm re-roll gets nerfed a week later. I don’t agree with the current style of waiting until after world first, again after top 30, and then bandaid after that, but I think it’s the only viable compromise.

Ahem. It is an RP choice to align with a covenant - tying it to player power disrupts that choice.

<---------- is on rp server running rp/raiding guild

So many of our members are just disappointed with feeling forced into a Covenant even though I place no restrictions on spec or covenant! As has been said - no one wants to (at least in my guild) strive for mediocrity.

We’re opposites on the last. I like the gameplay, but in the end, it’s the lore that carries it in the downtime. ~.^


What balance? Like what balance changes are you talking about? Are we talking about the same Blizzard who one of the people defending covenants just pointed out has no interest in even balancing base and core class specs in the game.

It’s been what, six months? Where are the balance changes? We’re 1/4 through the expansion and nothing has changed. What are you expecting? Blizzard have no idea how to balance things and they won’t.

Like how much more proof do you need that Blizzard won’t just magically get them right like they keep asking for us to believe them they can do.

None of this matters, point is they don’t and won’t.

Did they even balance anything after the WF race was over? Giving dead specs 2% damage doesn’t fix their fundamental problems.

Fire mages still king, DK still king, Hpal still king (getting a tiny nerf though soon great!)

If you want more of a rpg game then D &D is waiting for you , RP over gameplay doesn’t work as well in a video game.

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Don’t worry guys if we keep shifting the narrative away from Blizzard not being able to balance things to believing they can we can get through expansion of a big supply of copium. Don’t worry guys any minute now they’re gonna start doing fortnightly balance changes and make everything happy and equal!


Thanks but no thanks, I’ll stay here where more added RPG are hopefully inc.

So you have absolutely zero interest in fixing the game, but making it more convenient so the game is easier?

And aren’t you the one complaining that Blizzard didn’t balance the game around the infinite treadmill of M+?

Which is it, do you want to actually fix the game, or do you just want to be less inconvenienced so you’re not wasting time?

No offense and I know not all on RP servers think like Yesuna , but a lot that do think like her seem to come from them .

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Actually, just IMO, I think Maldraxxus would be the definite hangout spot for DKs being as its the only covenant hall with a Runeforge so you wouldn’t have to teleport back to Acherus for 2 seconds.

I’m sorry does Blizzard pay me to balance the game? Do you see how much feedback they get for free from the playerbase / class discords? Have they acted on any of it? This isn’t a me issue, this is what Blizzard(the company we pay a sub to) is willing to do, and apparently they draw the line on doing any kind of balancing.

What? I don’t care about m+ i did ksm through 1 key a week and stopped.

I want Blizzard to make covenants a talent row so when they don’t do balance changes (like they are not doing right now) it doesn’t matter because we can swap off the bad ones and use the good ones (like talents)

Is this difficult to understand?


But you do that now. That would only matter if Blizzard started balancing the Covenant abilities, which according to you they don’t do, so why is this affecting you at all?

According to me? Just me? I’m the only one who sees Blizzard happily ignoring extremely outliers for tiers at a time (expansions at a time). Oh sorry forgot that was just a me thing that’s all in my head.

You just said they don’t balance the Covenants, so why do you need to swap between Covenants if you know what the most powerful ability is ahead of time?

Is this really the hill you’re aiming to die on, instead of commenting of Blizzard inability to Balance you’re just going to go with “why do you want to swap then”.

Is this really the final boss of the pro-covenant army?

You don’t want Blizzard to fix the problem, so the only logical conclusion is that you just want to swap just in case they start fixing them.

Which is it?

I’m just going to keep quoting myself because you’re doing that thing where you ignore a post and cherrypick something you can reply to.

If you aren’t going to be honest, then there is no point in having a discussion.


How many nerf fire mage threads have gone up? How many mages rush in a defend to their dying breath? Look at the nerfs/ fixes to marks. Marks players act like the world has ended.

I mean marksman hunters have fallen off a cliff and the one fight they were incredible for got nerfed to the point of being an irrelevant fight now.

220 Rogues sim better than 228 hunters.

Look at all the threads(for fire mage) and also take note to look at how little Blizzard has done.

Just another point, Blizzard shouldn’t be nerfing anything. Nerfing just makes people miserable, they should be bringing up underperforming specs rather than hurting well performing ones.

You sound like they’re obligated to, which sounds like a me issue more than a Blizzard issue.

And stop trying to bring up ‘but I muh payments!’. Feel free to cancel if you’re that unhappy.