
Because you aren’t open to much discussion from players who have opposing views, that isn’t a secret. Plenty of players have given strong and constructive feedback on why they appreciate covenants, you just shoot them down right away and disregard anything someone else says. lol

Is it coincidence that the majority choose a covenant to make their play easier?

Is it not important to allow players to attempt to optimize themselves to more than one type of content?

I don’t like waiting till an end patch of an expansion until feeling that the product is finally enjoyable.


No, I shoot the argument down because the people defending it say only a small portion of the playerbase picks for strength despite having an overwhelming amount of evidence now that it’s actually complete bullocks.

The people who aren’t picking covenants for strength are absolutely the minority now. I bring facts and numbers, the people defending covenants bring hypotheticals and feelcraft.


No, it’s not. For some reason even the most casual of players think they have to be bis for world quests and lfr. The greater majority of the player-base does not need to bis. I clear 15’s and heroic each week without being bis, especially not bis covenant wise. The greater majority of players are not pushing keys much higher than 15’s or raiding mythic where bis starts to matter.

Why are you talking for the casuals? Have you considered that it’s completely in their right to be want to be the strongest version of themselves?

Maybe they don’t need to, but they want to because why would anyone want to be objectively weaker than a counterpart?


The patch of least resistance can often be the one that is most enjoyed. I respect your opinion and believe that what others seek to be changed could still enhance your own enjoyment too.

I remember having this same discussion with you concerning essences in 8.2. Offering more choice to the players does not restrict your own play individually.


Why are you talking for anyone?

Have you considered it’s completely in others rights to want the strongest RPG aspects in an RPG?

Because I often find there are very few people who play the game at the same level I play that speak on these forums because most write them off. I can speak for at the bare minimum myself and 3 other guilds full of players who agree with what I say.

Sure, for the overwhelming minority that is the case. Just because what, 3-7% of the portion of players pick for visuals it means the system is good? Great job blizzard LOL

The overwhelming minority are the players who push CE content like you do.

Many players are just upset that they can’t just flip a switch and have what they want immediately. I’m glad that Blizzard is sticking to their guns.

This is the covenant breakdown of ranged dps in m+ 15 and over.


The relatively large bump for Necrolord is 9.2% total, 7.5% of that 9.2% is Elemental shaman because it’s their best and the rest are hunters.

Very good system indeed.

I doubt we will see a point .3 expansion . I think it will go up to .2 maybe .2.5 , but it will still have more content then the previous xpac that went to only to .2 . The patches are a little more filled with content .

You’re lvl 45 you aren’t doing any mythics bro also nice hidden profile liar

Can’t help but notice the lack of labeling on said graph. Can I get one that’s just +15?

She doesn’t and I wish she would stop doing so

Exactly this here .Don’t need to do anything but want to

Welp, that’s where the meaningful choice part comes in.

There is nothing meaningful about any of this.

Meaningful would be me being able to experiment with different builds on a single toon for any content I chose to do . That is my meaningful.

You are a one size fits all when it comes to meaningful , you think meaningful should mean what you think it means and any one else with a concept that differs from you is wrong.

Meaningful means different things to different people.

Want to is my meaningful choice.


So meaningful to you means just having another talent to flop around to?

Meaningful to me means making an important decision that will have a consequence.

Meaningful example: “do I invest my life savings into such and such”
Not meaningful example: “do I want mexican food or a salad for lunch”

Talent choices would fall closer to which example? lol

I’ve bolded the part of the quote which I feel like really needs to be hammered home. Meaningful to you. Blizzard doesn’t get to dictate what meaningful should be to everyone who plasy their game.

Meaningful to me was my class, I decided to play shaman. No other decision I’ve done in this game has had any weight to it or any importance to me. What the best talents are for resto? Who cares. Covenants? Who cares.


Yes I f I could switch the covenant class abilities for hunters around for the content I am doing at the time , that is meaningful to me and how I play the game.

Not all of us are on RP servers worrying about the over all rp aspects of the game.

I like the lore , enjoy the stories of the expansions but in the end that only carries the game so far and it is the game play that carries it during content droughts.

Well, yeah. I was sharing my opinion. That’s how it works.

They really do, they get to make the rules here. You might not agree with their term but that doesn’t matter, you either accept it or don’t.

And then they added another one, luckily they gave an easy way out with just a few quests. I think we need more permanent decisions.