
Its funny because I see more casuals than ever swapping to ffxiv. Blizzard has made choices and its making so many different type of players leave. Its sad when they make decisions to hurt the “1%” of players and then also dony realize that they are on a snowball of bad decisions becoming extremely big causing them to lose so many fans.

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I wish I could get the vampire covenant ability because it is really cool and seems fun in dungeons but I want to party with the Kyrian and flop around in Bastion all the time!

Please pull that cute little ripcord.

And if you read this please make legion 10000x easier to solo at level 60. And no more item level scaling in the open world, I want to be one-shorting everything eventually.


I love when i see people in here defend covenants then go on about how FFXIV is a better game.

Like shut up dude i don’t want to play FFXIV i just want WoW to be good DAMN.


I also want wow to be good. Point is that blizz made decisions to hurt a community of people and did not realize how many people like to have choices and do things. So they lose players to ffxiv because its giving them what blizzard is not.

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SL is my least favorite expansion. The story especially Bastion is creepy. The gameplay is unfulfilling. Low anima returns for time invested, Very time gated, No good armor drops, Feels like I’m playing the game the way someone else wants me to play not the way I want to. The whole thing just feels very scripted and I don’t like it. #PullTheRipCord


They aren’t slaves they are helpers!

Happy unpaid born in to helping helpers !

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Lol, okaay they’re helpers. Still doesn’t ease my mind that they’re sucking memories out of people. Sure, sure I’ve heard the argument that doing that makes them unbias as they bring souls to the SL but I’m not buying it.


We need to get a power list of all the stuff Blizzard does that shows they don’t really respect my time.

  1. Removal of Flight Whistle
  2. Flight Paths having to go through Oribos
  3. World quests > Callings having to be picked up and handed in at sanctum
  4. Not allowed to mount in the Maw
  5. Anima cost on literally anything vs what you get

I remember when addons could help us group up with others to complete world quests. Those quests felt more alive and fun. They removed it so we could take a longer time to finish the world quests. Then we still did it too fast for blizzards metrics so they increased the time per world quest in shadowlands by making them more complicated. And dont get me started as to how boring and inconsequential these quests are for the story or lore.


oh man i totally forget when they bricked the world quest addon.

Yup and they only let you group up for certain content. And most of the time you need to go out of your way to get to it instead of making it in a convenient place near flight points and common areas. I get some need to be far but its probably around 90% of the blizzard allowed quests which is only for world bosses and some area killing. They bricked the copy paste quest text to kill the groups forming with those quests and did nothing to help replace it.

Removal of crafting enchant

Venari’s unique conduit upgrade item - making you have to travel back and forth from the Maw to your sanctum for each upgrade.

Oh and the quests that no longer share items to pick up like the ingots in the maw.


Oh my god right what the hell is this.

Ugh yeah, i forgot about this one too.

These two are huge annoyances for me.

Also just Ven’ari in general. Not only do I have to upgrade them 1 at a time, but I have to upgrade ALL my conduits before I can RNG my chance at a 226.

Like not just RNG within potency conduits, or not just RNG through my specs conduits. I have to upgrade. EVERY. SINGLE. CONDUIT to 213 and even then, I’ve gotten all my bear Conduits to 226 before I have my necessary Boomkin potency Conduits.


For myself, I’m fine with the covenants how they are. Night Fae was a pretty obvious choice for me, both for lore reasons and because I like the abilities. But I understand that many players really don’t like the position they’re in with their characters and covenants.

I wonder if a good way to address it in a future patch would be to add quests for every covenant, and then make it effectively just one more loadout choice. The player character, as the super-special, one-of-a-kind Mall-walker, must unite the covenants of Shadowlands and do some whatever quests to rally each in turn and gain all of their trusts.

In return, we gain the ability to switch the active covenant abilities that we can call upon in battle, in a way similar to how we swap our talents or specializations. Then when you go to run your Mythic+, you can switch to your BiS covenant setup along with your talents. Likewise for PvP, etc. When you’re lolling around or not really doing anything, you can be in the lore-flavor covenant you like.


This is honestly how I thought they would address this in time, but based on this nonsense of Korthia and the space pirate dragons, I’m mentally checking out, like dev must have months ago…


Yeah, clouds of people sitting idle in flight above a world quest spam joining automated groups till they find someone to leech from. That felt so alive. :laughing:


They’d rather crash the plane than admit this system was a dismal failure.


Barely. Most world quests were made into a fill the bar. So you cant fill the bar if you join a group that completed it or only needed 20%. You would only get 20% yourself. Sure there were leechers but they got kicked fast and there are still leechers now. Point is the world quests are still bad and boring with no story relevance or emotional impact and we were punished for doing them too quickly.

Overall consistent with the theme of shadowlands: outright disrespect for players time.

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