
:parachute: :parachute: :parachute: :parachute: :parachute: :parachute: :parachute: :parachute: :parachute: :parachute: :parachute: :parachute: :parachute: :parachute: :parachute:

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Do you mean like balancing ?

Please they haven’t been able to balance since WoW launched on Nov. 23 , 2004 .

All they know how to do is swing the pendulum from one extreme to the other . Even more so with this current dev team . Freeing up the abilities would actually lessen the need for what they call balance and free them up to create actual playable content.

Oh, I don’t know, I mean MoP was pretty awesome for balancing and I have rather fond memories of Wrath. Cata? Not so much.

But then MoP was just all around awesome because that’s back when we had a competent dev team who put out great content rather than relying on hype and nostalgia, unlike WoD+.

There was a glimmer of hope in Legion, but that got snuffed out in BfA and SL?


They had decent ideas, but they were a bit flawed. Anima grind blows butt.

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MoP was awesome. Everyone was crying Kung Fu Panda at the time, but it was one of the best expansions.


The sad part of it is… Pandaren existed in the game Before Kung Fu Panda was even a thing and idiots still were saying MoP was a ripoff of KFP.

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What restrictions do we have for MoP or Wrath? Cata?

What meaningful choices did we have in the golden times of this game?




Well, for one, we didn’t have that stupid M+ system that ruins everything else, lol.

We literally had CMs which inspired M+, do better than this. What is your problem with m+? You can skip m+, it’s not mandatory.


I can skip M+ but M+ always ends up creeping into my LFD content, and M+ is the reason why Heroics’ rewards are worthless.

Ever since M+ was created, Heroics’ rewards got heavily nerfed until there’s no point in even doing them anymore.

That’s why I hate M+. Everything is “GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO” now even in normal and heroic dungeons because everybody wants to act like they are trying out for M+.

EDIT: Oh and let’s not forget in BfA their awesome idea to lock story dungeons behind M+.


MoP wasn’t balanced it was just a case of having so much utility that the classes felt good .

This toon was a Survival hunter back then and it was great. Didn’t worry about balance because there was no system making up a good chunk of my passive abilities because they were all in my spell book and I didn’t have to pick a certain group to decide which passives I could use because I had them all .

Balance in wow can best be described as a

from Imgflip Meme Generator

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It’s always been like this. People don’t have a unlimited amount of time to play this game. If there is an easier or faster way to do content in a enjoyable manner, would you do it? Of course you would, this is what these people enjoy doing when they don’t have time.

It got way, way worse after M+ got introduced. People go to ludicrous lengths just to save a few seconds.

I used to do Heroics on regular basis back during MoP and even a little into WoD, and after that it got rather sour when I tried it in Legion. Like, the whole culture changed overnight.

I can understand skipping random bits of trash that you don’t need to kill but now people will walk on 1 inch railings to try to avoid a single trash pack and then kick someone if they fall and aggro something.

This statement relates to CM way more than it does to M+. You either got rewards or you got nothing from CMs if you went too slow. So i guess you just hate everything in this game? Hate mythic raiding, hate m+, hate PvP by your own admission

Maybe you should head back over to the FFXIV forums.

CMs were nowhere near as prevalent as M+ is today.

Heroics still had meaningful rewards and Q times for Heroics were like 5 minutes for a DPS, lol. People were doing them daily on regular basis.

And I don’t hate “everything” in the game, but it is true I don’t like M+, mythic, and PvP.

But apparently that means Heroics and LFR doesn’t exist, somehow?

Well they WOULD exist if they actually gave worthwhile rewards, but they can’t, because M+ players would get upset if “LFD warriors” had worthwhile rewards.

That’s because you’re not following the tank like you’re supposed to. Or keeping up with your team mates. Not everyone is going to afk in the middle of a trash pack, or wait for you. That’s why this is a team game, if you’re not a team player, you might aswell get kicked for not following directions or doing what’s necessary to finish the objective.

There’s a difference between “not following the tank” and slipping off of a tiny railing when you did try to follow the tank. Some of the trash skips have ludicrously tiny margins of error on the aggro radius in a few of the dungeons I’ve done in the last couple years that I just roll my eyes.

It’d take 20 seconds… 20 seconds to just kill the stupid pack of trash. Sheesh. Some people spend 5 minutes trying to jump over a pile of rubble when they coulda had the trash pack dead and been on their way.

Why are you openly weeping into your mothers’ chest about this thread where people disagree with how covenants were implemented?

Because in higher keys where prideful matters in certain points of the dungeon. You need to skip that certain trash pack to have prideful.


M+ playstyles have crept into Normal and Heroic Dungeons.

Thank you for proving what I was saying.